Charming backpack with his hands: a thing which there rightful place in the wardrobe!
Backpack Bag with straps - a very handy thing. As you know, the bags never enough! Ideal - when the presence of a special backpack for a hike in the gym, for a walk in nature or in the park for outings for shopping. It's easy to do with his own, even those with sewing is not particularly friendly. Use these simple tips and make a stylish extra backpack goes well with most of your clothes. Hendmeyd always a price!
That's how you get the backpack, if you try. He is especially good for moms with kids - easy to carry toys, food to eat and water that must always be on a walk.
two pieces of fabric the same size-pack basis. You can make a backpack with padded, sewn to the inside of the fabric more.
Sew the two pieces of fabric together, leaving slits on the sides. This stock will need to put in a backpack straps, laces.
You can pick up the lining in a harmonious color scheme.
Laces can be replaced straps, it looks amazing.
Fold the top of the fabric, sew, make room for the strap or straps. Insert the cord via pins into the holes on the sides.
At the bottom of the straps easy to insert, attach to tissue iron ring and fix it in the strap.
Easier than you can imagine! This backpack is appropriate in your wardrobe and give a lot of pleasant moments thanks to its functionality. If you love to do something with their hands, then just do not walk on by this tempting idea. Share the idea of tailoring a backpack with her girlfriends!
via takprosto cc
That's how you get the backpack, if you try. He is especially good for moms with kids - easy to carry toys, food to eat and water that must always be on a walk.

two pieces of fabric the same size-pack basis. You can make a backpack with padded, sewn to the inside of the fabric more.

Sew the two pieces of fabric together, leaving slits on the sides. This stock will need to put in a backpack straps, laces.

You can pick up the lining in a harmonious color scheme.

Laces can be replaced straps, it looks amazing.

Fold the top of the fabric, sew, make room for the strap or straps. Insert the cord via pins into the holes on the sides.

At the bottom of the straps easy to insert, attach to tissue iron ring and fix it in the strap.

Easier than you can imagine! This backpack is appropriate in your wardrobe and give a lot of pleasant moments thanks to its functionality. If you love to do something with their hands, then just do not walk on by this tempting idea. Share the idea of tailoring a backpack with her girlfriends!
via takprosto cc
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