9 exercises that can restore your eyesight in just 7 days.
Visually impaired is no surprise. With the advent of television and computers, the disease has spread across the globe, forcing doctors and scientists to invent new techniques vsë vision correction. However, most of this misfortune affecting children. Taunts, offensive nicknames and the label of "four-eyes" not only hurt a little child's soul, but also instill in complexes that may be pursued all his life. Daily performing these exercises, you will achieve remarkable results in a week. Vsë ingenious - is simple, most importantly, do not be lazy, and then you will certainly come out victorious from this battle!
1. Exercise "Gleam»
In the daytime in the open space (ie outdoors), select an object to study. The most convenient way to use any well-read lettering. After selecting an object, stand so that the image was blurred just enough to not be readable, however briefly stood out from the myopic haze after each blink. Then begins to blink, looking at the sign and focusing on glimpse arising after each blink. Try to glimpse at the time of the inscription read. After a glimpse of the "island" of disappeared, and the picture is clouded again, Morgan and again try to read the inscription. Exercise can be done within an hour, while the change for a variety of objects. The first day of class to do just blinking every second, and when a glimpse of the "island" of markedly increased, proceed to the next exercise.
2. Exercise "The shooting at targets»
Being outdoors in the daytime, in turn (with a frequency of approximately one target per second) glance choose various objects (targets) located at the different distances (from the tip of the nose to the horizon). Each object (target), it should be kept in focus, which regularly blinking, catch a glimpse of the "island" view. At the initial stage, is a glimpse of the not very large, blinking at each selected object (target), that is a rate of about one blink per second. With increasing gleam can blink less, that is not at each target, and every two or three. The targets selects only those objects in which the eyes can really focus.
3. Exercise "Spider-Man»
Being outdoors in the daytime, choose as the object of the exercise of a spreading shrub or tree (you can use any other similar-sized objects) and entering as a result of blinking into the "sharp" vision, start mentally wrap object nonexistent turns defunct thread. At each round Accompany look, focusing it at the point of contact between the thread and the imaginary object. In order to constantly keep the core of the object in focus - Morgan. From time to time an object changes, to keep the excitement and keen perception.
4. Exercise "Rest»
Cover the eye lids and attached to the face cupped hands. The right hand is applied to the right eye and the left - to the left. Fingers cross on the forehead in the "third eye." Rushes look into the blackness, trying whenever possible to abandon chaotic manifested visual images. Exercises are performed to obtain the desired comfort sensations.
5. Exercise "Pendulum»
Outdoors in daylight, select the object for exercise. The most convenient way to use an object of any human-readable label is sufficient large size (for example, located at a distance of a sign shop or poster advertising content). Blinking, reaches a state of "acute" view focuses look at the label and starts to rock, moving the point of view along the line back and forth like a pendulum was swinging, trying as much as possible to keep the focus on the object view. When misting image blink again, go into the "island" of and continue to do the exercise. With good skill execution can deselect a particular object and use this principle as a basic way of seeing. Exercise time then becomes unrestricted.
6. Exercise "Chinese idol»
Select the object exercises (according to the object exactly the same as in the 5th exercise), Morgan, catch a glimpse of the "island" view focuses opinion on the subject and, shaking his head from side to side, try to keep the focus on a subject as long as possible . When misting "pictures" blink again and continue the exercise. 5 As an exercise, "Chinese idol" may be used as the primary way of seeing.
7. Exercise "Eight»
Select the object (the requirements are no different from those described above), Morgan, catch the condition "acute" view and making eye movement trajectory overturned on its side eight, try to keep the focus of sight as much as possible. Head while do the swinging motion to the right (with the eye movement to the right) and the left (in the left eye movement), thereby increasing the horizontal dimensions overturned on its side eight. This exercise can also be used as an alternative way of seeing the ground.
8. Exercise "Polishing»
Select the object (object requirements are the same as in exercise 5, 6 and 7), with the help of Blink Enter into an "island" view and focus the mind on the object, begins to consider its details. (If the object is selected the inscription, then each piece is her letter). Looking at the details, do a soft circular motions eyes resembling polishing movement. Try to keep the focus on the view object as long as possible. Again Morgan and continues to perform "polishing". With enough skill performance (as well as exercises 5, 6 and 7), this exercise can serve as the main method for this vision.
9. Exercise "Ray of Light»
For this exercise requires sunny weather, but you can use scattered sunlight or electric light (including fluorescent lamp). Firmly, but without tension, close your eyes and eyelids for about a minute face to the light source. (It is best if it is the sun). Exercise You can do five or six times a day.
All exercises must be prodelyvat relaxed, most comfortable state. Strongly avoid eyestrain!
In any exercise important positive attitude and belief in the result. Taking advantage of the warm summer days, be sure to try to do these exercises in the fresh air. And be sure to be engaged with their children (if needed), controlling the quality of performance and maintaining their faith in victory. Dear Parents, keep sight of their children! Share this article with your friends, and thanks to this simple exercise they can restore their vision.
via takprosto cc

1. Exercise "Gleam»
In the daytime in the open space (ie outdoors), select an object to study. The most convenient way to use any well-read lettering. After selecting an object, stand so that the image was blurred just enough to not be readable, however briefly stood out from the myopic haze after each blink. Then begins to blink, looking at the sign and focusing on glimpse arising after each blink. Try to glimpse at the time of the inscription read. After a glimpse of the "island" of disappeared, and the picture is clouded again, Morgan and again try to read the inscription. Exercise can be done within an hour, while the change for a variety of objects. The first day of class to do just blinking every second, and when a glimpse of the "island" of markedly increased, proceed to the next exercise.
2. Exercise "The shooting at targets»
Being outdoors in the daytime, in turn (with a frequency of approximately one target per second) glance choose various objects (targets) located at the different distances (from the tip of the nose to the horizon). Each object (target), it should be kept in focus, which regularly blinking, catch a glimpse of the "island" view. At the initial stage, is a glimpse of the not very large, blinking at each selected object (target), that is a rate of about one blink per second. With increasing gleam can blink less, that is not at each target, and every two or three. The targets selects only those objects in which the eyes can really focus.
3. Exercise "Spider-Man»
Being outdoors in the daytime, choose as the object of the exercise of a spreading shrub or tree (you can use any other similar-sized objects) and entering as a result of blinking into the "sharp" vision, start mentally wrap object nonexistent turns defunct thread. At each round Accompany look, focusing it at the point of contact between the thread and the imaginary object. In order to constantly keep the core of the object in focus - Morgan. From time to time an object changes, to keep the excitement and keen perception.
4. Exercise "Rest»
Cover the eye lids and attached to the face cupped hands. The right hand is applied to the right eye and the left - to the left. Fingers cross on the forehead in the "third eye." Rushes look into the blackness, trying whenever possible to abandon chaotic manifested visual images. Exercises are performed to obtain the desired comfort sensations.
5. Exercise "Pendulum»
Outdoors in daylight, select the object for exercise. The most convenient way to use an object of any human-readable label is sufficient large size (for example, located at a distance of a sign shop or poster advertising content). Blinking, reaches a state of "acute" view focuses look at the label and starts to rock, moving the point of view along the line back and forth like a pendulum was swinging, trying as much as possible to keep the focus on the object view. When misting image blink again, go into the "island" of and continue to do the exercise. With good skill execution can deselect a particular object and use this principle as a basic way of seeing. Exercise time then becomes unrestricted.
6. Exercise "Chinese idol»
Select the object exercises (according to the object exactly the same as in the 5th exercise), Morgan, catch a glimpse of the "island" view focuses opinion on the subject and, shaking his head from side to side, try to keep the focus on a subject as long as possible . When misting "pictures" blink again and continue the exercise. 5 As an exercise, "Chinese idol" may be used as the primary way of seeing.
7. Exercise "Eight»
Select the object (the requirements are no different from those described above), Morgan, catch the condition "acute" view and making eye movement trajectory overturned on its side eight, try to keep the focus of sight as much as possible. Head while do the swinging motion to the right (with the eye movement to the right) and the left (in the left eye movement), thereby increasing the horizontal dimensions overturned on its side eight. This exercise can also be used as an alternative way of seeing the ground.
8. Exercise "Polishing»
Select the object (object requirements are the same as in exercise 5, 6 and 7), with the help of Blink Enter into an "island" view and focus the mind on the object, begins to consider its details. (If the object is selected the inscription, then each piece is her letter). Looking at the details, do a soft circular motions eyes resembling polishing movement. Try to keep the focus on the view object as long as possible. Again Morgan and continues to perform "polishing". With enough skill performance (as well as exercises 5, 6 and 7), this exercise can serve as the main method for this vision.
9. Exercise "Ray of Light»
For this exercise requires sunny weather, but you can use scattered sunlight or electric light (including fluorescent lamp). Firmly, but without tension, close your eyes and eyelids for about a minute face to the light source. (It is best if it is the sun). Exercise You can do five or six times a day.

All exercises must be prodelyvat relaxed, most comfortable state. Strongly avoid eyestrain!
In any exercise important positive attitude and belief in the result. Taking advantage of the warm summer days, be sure to try to do these exercises in the fresh air. And be sure to be engaged with their children (if needed), controlling the quality of performance and maintaining their faith in victory. Dear Parents, keep sight of their children! Share this article with your friends, and thanks to this simple exercise they can restore their vision.
via takprosto cc
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