Luxury tomato soup «Pappa al pomodoro». My favorite recipe Sophia Loren!
Tomato tyurya - so in our opinion can be called the soup preferred Sophia Loren. The secret of this fragrant, succulent dishes in well-chosen products. Italy - the birthplace of fragrant food: plenty of fresh herbs, delicious fresh olive oil with special smell, liquid tomatoes, which absorbed the sun. This is part of the ingredients that will be needed for breeding, but low-calorie soup. The menu of Italian actress - useful products that help maintain a great figure, but it is - eat food with real pleasure. How to submit an original taste and flavor of the tomato miracle just want to cook ...
Ingredients: em>
1 ciabatta (better - stale, dried); 1, 5 kg of sweet tomatoes; 2 onion bulbs; 4 cloves garlic; celery root; a bunch of fresh basil; olive oil; chili; salt.
Preparation: em>
1. The hot oil in a frying pan or in a deep pan Place the chopped garlic, onion and chili pepper. Slightly stew them in oil, making sure they do not darkened - cook on low heat.
2. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, showering them with boiling water. If tomatoes have whitish core, for better taste, too, remove it. We will cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces and send them in a pan with oil. Add chopped celery. Carcasses of tomatoes for about an hour.
3. Before serving, add to the pot of boiling water, tomato paste to become a soup consistency. Bread crust is broken down into small pieces, and cast it into the soup. Ambassador broth, boil for a few minutes and turn the heat off.
4. Add a little olive oil to the finished soup. To improve the taste, you can sprinkle it a little Parmesan! Decorate the plate with soup saturated color with fresh basil leaves.
Tomato soup, a thick, nourishing, with a light scent of garlic and basil leaves seduce you! Try to cook this rustic Italian meal, and you will feel instantly at the comfort of your kitchen. In expensive restaurants this soup is served as a delicacy, but in fact - it's just soup. As you know, simple food - the best option for the health and well being!
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via takprosto cc
Ingredients: em>
1 ciabatta (better - stale, dried); 1, 5 kg of sweet tomatoes; 2 onion bulbs; 4 cloves garlic; celery root; a bunch of fresh basil; olive oil; chili; salt.
Preparation: em>
1. The hot oil in a frying pan or in a deep pan Place the chopped garlic, onion and chili pepper. Slightly stew them in oil, making sure they do not darkened - cook on low heat.
2. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, showering them with boiling water. If tomatoes have whitish core, for better taste, too, remove it. We will cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces and send them in a pan with oil. Add chopped celery. Carcasses of tomatoes for about an hour.
3. Before serving, add to the pot of boiling water, tomato paste to become a soup consistency. Bread crust is broken down into small pieces, and cast it into the soup. Ambassador broth, boil for a few minutes and turn the heat off.
4. Add a little olive oil to the finished soup. To improve the taste, you can sprinkle it a little Parmesan! Decorate the plate with soup saturated color with fresh basil leaves.
Tomato soup, a thick, nourishing, with a light scent of garlic and basil leaves seduce you! Try to cook this rustic Italian meal, and you will feel instantly at the comfort of your kitchen. In expensive restaurants this soup is served as a delicacy, but in fact - it's just soup. As you know, simple food - the best option for the health and well being!
Share motifs Italian food with friends, soup «Pappa al pomodoro» have their taste!
via takprosto cc
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