They witnessed an incredibly beautiful full moon. My dream is to see ...
This video was made during a full moon over Mount Victoria in Wellington, New Zealand. People gathered on this night to capture the finest cosmic phenomenon - the growing moon. Not everyone can see this, let alone shoot everything on camera to capture the beauty and impressions of. This video was filmed in another part of the city from a distance of about 2, 1 kilometer. The man who rented a unique phenomenon comments: «This is what I wanted to shoot for a long time, I photographed the moon for a long time, and all attempts to transfer her beauty seemed unsuccessful. Finally, during the full moon, January 28, 2013, everything fell into place and I still managed to get a long-awaited shots ». I>
The video was shot on Canon EOS-1D Mark IV. Incredibly, these pictures do not pass any video processing! It is technically difficult to obtain the final result, but it's worth the effort!
//player.vimeo.com/video/58385453?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Красота Moon attracts and fascinates ... Looks very romantic! So I want to be with my boyfriend at this place and enjoy the rising of the full moon ... Share this video with your dear people!
The video was shot on Canon EOS-1D Mark IV. Incredibly, these pictures do not pass any video processing! It is technically difficult to obtain the final result, but it's worth the effort!
//player.vimeo.com/video/58385453?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Красота Moon attracts and fascinates ... Looks very romantic! So I want to be with my boyfriend at this place and enjoy the rising of the full moon ... Share this video with your dear people!
200 foreign words, which can easily find a substitute in the Russian language. What sounds better?
11 dogs, who have no idea where it came from this whole mess. They find it hard not to believe!