Sometimes even the patience of a good man is the end ... That's how important it is to be grateful!
Sooner or later, even the patience of a good man coming to an end, because it's still not iron. The giant wanted to help people, but it simply did not understand. He decided that further so can not proceed ...
If a person is kind, sympathetic and trouble-free, you should not vylazit his head and hung up. I know how to be grateful and say "thank you." Believe me, this is the magic word acts as a balm for the soul. After all, if someone has done you good, it's not just because "as necessary". Hurry to return good for good and it will come back to you!
//player.vimeo.com/video/105788896?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Плохой this giant or a good - it does not matter! He was just tired to understand and forgive, and decided to retaliate ungrateful little people on merit.
Now Arise, and go to thank my family and friends simply because they are close to you. Be sure to show this cartoon to your friends instructive.
If a person is kind, sympathetic and trouble-free, you should not vylazit his head and hung up. I know how to be grateful and say "thank you." Believe me, this is the magic word acts as a balm for the soul. After all, if someone has done you good, it's not just because "as necessary". Hurry to return good for good and it will come back to you!
//player.vimeo.com/video/105788896?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=1eabd8Плохой this giant or a good - it does not matter! He was just tired to understand and forgive, and decided to retaliate ungrateful little people on merit.
Now Arise, and go to thank my family and friends simply because they are close to you. Be sure to show this cartoon to your friends instructive.
23 notes per second ...
"A parallel universe in which time goes backwards." Recent research scientists are amazing!