At first glance, this tiny house is nothing special ... But it is necessary to take a step - and you'll love it!
More and more people are dreaming of a small compact house. Chris Henning - a talented architect and designer, who can provide people with a comfortable dwelling. Even in the work this person is guided by a philosophical principle that the accumulation of wealth - not the most important thing in our lives. Since 1999, the Henning began to build tiny houses, which allow people to not only simplify your life, but also to get rid of the clutter and make your stay in their own homes more comfortable.
Just look at his new creation with a living area of 26 m²! Perhaps the best example of rational and efficient use of your own space. It turns out that "more" does not always mean "better»!
In this tiny house even has a small porch.
As you can see, the space in the construction of the house was used wisely. Here, each room smoothly into the other. B>
Unique design window frames allows daylight to illuminate the house.
The kitchen is located a few steps from the staircase that leads to the bedroom.
Under the stairs and a fireplace.
Of course, this tiny house, like ordinary houses, equipped with all necessary facilities.
To what it was beautiful! So the proper use of space makes me delight. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the house is very small, it is even within these constraints looks very spacious and comfortable. B>
Of course, that such an economy version is not suitable for everyone. But if you think about it, our lives too many frills, which we simply do not use. This house - a great option for those who like minimalism, simplicity and comfort. In addition, a relatively inexpensive option ... Show others how you can come up with a mind to use their own living space.
Just look at his new creation with a living area of 26 m²! Perhaps the best example of rational and efficient use of your own space. It turns out that "more" does not always mean "better»!
In this tiny house even has a small porch.

As you can see, the space in the construction of the house was used wisely. Here, each room smoothly into the other. B>

Unique design window frames allows daylight to illuminate the house.

The kitchen is located a few steps from the staircase that leads to the bedroom.

Under the stairs and a fireplace.

Of course, this tiny house, like ordinary houses, equipped with all necessary facilities.

To what it was beautiful! So the proper use of space makes me delight. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the house is very small, it is even within these constraints looks very spacious and comfortable. B>

Of course, that such an economy version is not suitable for everyone. But if you think about it, our lives too many frills, which we simply do not use. This house - a great option for those who like minimalism, simplicity and comfort. In addition, a relatively inexpensive option ... Show others how you can come up with a mind to use their own living space.
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