This was the first time a baby elephant on the beach. What was he doing there, spread throughout the world!
Elephants - amazing animals! They are remarkable not only because of the impressive size, but also recognized intellectual abilities. They identified themselves in the mirror, have a musical ear and an excellent memory. Elephants - one of the few animal species that use tools. In particular, they used tree branches to ward off pesky flies and other insects.
Many scientists believe that elephants are capable of experiencing emotions, including compassion, hostility, frustration and joy. Some people are skeptical about the latter hypothesis, but how then to explain the delight with which these animals play and rejoice in such a seemingly ordinary things?
For example, the elephant was the first time on the beach. Apparently, the fresh sea air has a very positive effect on the baby, because he started to have fun to the fullest, much to the amused all present. Just look at him!
Of course, the exotic beaches of any blow your mind.
What could be nicer than to swing the hot sand?
It is necessary, he is also a model!
After the hot sand is good to cool slightly.
And who is now turn the language to say that animals do not have emotions? When I look at this elephant, I and most uplifting! I hope you have too. What are the elephants still cute animals!
via ofigenno ru
Many scientists believe that elephants are capable of experiencing emotions, including compassion, hostility, frustration and joy. Some people are skeptical about the latter hypothesis, but how then to explain the delight with which these animals play and rejoice in such a seemingly ordinary things?
For example, the elephant was the first time on the beach. Apparently, the fresh sea air has a very positive effect on the baby, because he started to have fun to the fullest, much to the amused all present. Just look at him!
Of course, the exotic beaches of any blow your mind.

What could be nicer than to swing the hot sand?

It is necessary, he is also a model!

After the hot sand is good to cool slightly.

And who is now turn the language to say that animals do not have emotions? When I look at this elephant, I and most uplifting! I hope you have too. What are the elephants still cute animals!
via ofigenno ru
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