The two-day elephant

In these photos taken in the Berlin zoo a few days ago, young Asian elephant only two days old, standing next to his mother on behalf of Nova. On the day of shooting this kid who has not yet received a name, already I weighed 102 pounds, and his height was 91 cm. Despite the fact that this pipsqueak has managed to conquer the hearts of many wildlife lovers around mire.

1. The eighth day of May in time for the celebration of Mother's Day in the Berlin zoo Tierpark Berlin Zoo Asian elephant calf was born.

2. The photographs elephant next to her mother - New elephant.

3. Little slonёnka is informally called the Bulli (Bulle) - «Bull». This name he received because of his stubborn character, who has already manifested in the first minutes of his birth.

4. Now the baby weighs a little more than a hundredweight, and its height is about one meter. When the Bulli grow up to be adult Asian elephants, he will weigh 5, 4 tons, with growth of 2, 5-3, 5 meters.

5. Funny elephant soon became a favorite of the public and the new "star" Tierpark Berlin.

6. According to zoo director Bernhard Blazkevicha, 18-year-old-mother elephant and her baby are doing well, and the elephant, zoo officials said, immediately after birth tries to get to his feet.

7. elephant calf is still very small, and his movements are difficult. His legs are leaving permanently, and without the help of mom-elephant supporting and then falling baby, it is hard to do, although the "crumb" is trying very hard to stay on nogah.

8. Elephant Nova arrived in Berlin Zoo Friedrichsfelde from Indonesia. She was born in a safari park in Bogor known unsurpassed beauty of the zoo. In the third elephant calf, one of whom, named Horace, was born in 2005 and now lives in a zoo of Rostov-on-Don. See also: Elephant learned to play the harmonica and gives concerts in the zoo. Pink elephants there. Elephants play basketball.
Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=288681