Invasion of mosquitoes

Near the village Nikoltsy Myadel Minsk region local resident has seen the vast clouds of mosquitoes. Witnessed the unusual phenomenon was Denis Sour. The guy kept his head and took off seen on foto.

- Anomaly?!? And that's not the worst thing that was - fotik turned on hand only after three hours - said Denis. - These pictures is that I managed to capture ... And when he was leaving, they all became a little = (And what will happen when the season starts, "bite"? I'm afraid to even think about it ...

According to the guy, so he watched the invasion of only one village on the shore of Lake Naroch - d. Nikoltsy. Denis links such activity midges with pogodoy.

- No other explanation I just do not find - he says.

See also: Mosquitoes can fly in the rain. Why scratching a mosquito bite? Invasion of spiders after floods in Australia
Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=277942