TOP-13 most expensive gems in the world. Here's what to order as a gift to your favorite!
«Best Friends girls - are diamonds» i> - sung in the famous song popular seductive female group. If you are accustomed to think that these stones topped the list of most expensive minerals on the planet, that our present position will be for you a real discovery. It turns out that in the world there is still a huge number of gems that are found in nature much less than pure diamond. This is the cause of their fabulous value. Internet publication you want a little surprise, shedding light on the existence of precious stones, of which you may never have heard. Young ladies, shakes into their heads that can be ordered as a gift, except diamonds!
Such outlandish name the stone was named after the great Russian mineralogist Pavel Eremeev. Initially, this mineral was mistaken for aquamarine because of the lovely azure. Scientists were able to find out what in the world today, there are only a few hundred eremeevitov, which cost just a space: for one carat gem of Pinocchio the rich have to pay as much as 1,500 green.
Black Opal
Of the group of this type of opal is deservedly considered the most valuable. The main deposits of iridescent miracle are concentrated in Australia, Brazil, United States and Mexico. Previously, among the nobles literally hunted for this gem. Now the black opal is not considered so rare as before. However, it is nothing less than the order of 2 000 dollars per carat.
Blue grenades
This kind of pomegranate was first found in Madagascar is not so long ago, in the late 1990s. The main highlight of this gem - the ability to change its color depending on the light from blue-green to purplish-red tints. Anyone who wants to have this joy in my collection, happen to fall out of her purse about 1 500 per carat.
Quite unusual name of the stone owes its discoverer Edward Taaffe. The spectrum of colors of this mineral is striking: the color varies from pale pink to dark lavender. Do you want to afford such a wonder? Get ready to pay for this Tsvetik-semitsvetik 2-5 thousand dollars per carat.
This gem is found in Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania. For a long time the mineral was known only to a very narrow circle of fans-collectors. Today more and more people learn about the existence of such a gem, so the demand for it is growing every day in the world market. People are willing to buy it for a small fortune. Price of the issue? Only about 2 000 dollars per carat.
It is a close relative of taaffeita, it is similar to them in appearance and chemical composition. Most often found in nature purple and green copies of this stone. Because in the history of mankind was found negligible amount musgravitov, the price is appropriate: 2-3 thousand dollars for the stone and green 6000 green for purple faceted mineral.
Stunning stone saturated shade of blue at the moment has only one known deposits in the world - in the State of California, USA. Because of this, the value of the beautiful gem just sky-high: 4-6 thousand dollars per carat.
This rare mineral is mined only in the states of Utah and New Mexico. To purchase this magnificent gem, you have to be so even Rockefeller: one carat biksbita the global market is estimated at as much as 10-12 thousand dollars.
This gemstone is known worldwide of its superpowers to change color. Day mineral chameleon becomes bluish-green tint, and in the darkness he sparkles pink, magenta, purple and violet colors. The first copy of alexandrite was found in 1903 near present-day Yekaterinburg. Those who want to supplement their collection this amazing stone will have to say goodbye to 10-12 thousand dollars per carat.
Jade (imperial)
It is considered one of the most mysterious minerals on the planet. Flawless stone rich green color is produced in China, Myanmar, Japan, Mexico, the US, Kazakhstan, Guatemala. Lovers of extravagant things have to pay for this "stone" for more than 20 thousand dollars per carat.
Translated from the Tamil name of this stone is "the color of sunrise." This crystal is mined in Tanzania, Madagascar, Sri Lanka. Now padparadzha learned to make artificial: the stone is obtained by heat the mineral corundum, to a certain temperature, and brought to the desired condition. Last padparadzha instance, produced in vivo, weighing 1, 65 carats was sold for 18 thousand dollars (and it's more than 20 years ago!).
The first sample of this stunning gem was discovered in Sri Lanka. It was soon discovered another deposit grandiderita - Madagascar. The approximate cost of the unique minerals in the world market is about 30 thousand dollars per carat.
red diamond
This handsome not for nothing is the most expensive gemstone in the world. People managed to find only a few specimens of this gem. What is most surprising, most of them have a tiny weight - is less than 0, 5 carats. The world knows only one deposit of this outlandish gem - Argyle diamond mine in Australia. Periodically red diamond appear at auction world level. The price per carat is equal to the whole of this treasure of - more than a million dollars.
Hopefully this article has expanded your knowledge about gems. It is necessary to clarify that most of these gems unknown to the public, because they are sold at a private auction among avid collectors. You would have ordered a "pebble" his gift? Share with us in comments your preference.
via ofigenno ru
Such outlandish name the stone was named after the great Russian mineralogist Pavel Eremeev. Initially, this mineral was mistaken for aquamarine because of the lovely azure. Scientists were able to find out what in the world today, there are only a few hundred eremeevitov, which cost just a space: for one carat gem of Pinocchio the rich have to pay as much as 1,500 green.

Black Opal
Of the group of this type of opal is deservedly considered the most valuable. The main deposits of iridescent miracle are concentrated in Australia, Brazil, United States and Mexico. Previously, among the nobles literally hunted for this gem. Now the black opal is not considered so rare as before. However, it is nothing less than the order of 2 000 dollars per carat.

Blue grenades
This kind of pomegranate was first found in Madagascar is not so long ago, in the late 1990s. The main highlight of this gem - the ability to change its color depending on the light from blue-green to purplish-red tints. Anyone who wants to have this joy in my collection, happen to fall out of her purse about 1 500 per carat.

Quite unusual name of the stone owes its discoverer Edward Taaffe. The spectrum of colors of this mineral is striking: the color varies from pale pink to dark lavender. Do you want to afford such a wonder? Get ready to pay for this Tsvetik-semitsvetik 2-5 thousand dollars per carat.

This gem is found in Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania. For a long time the mineral was known only to a very narrow circle of fans-collectors. Today more and more people learn about the existence of such a gem, so the demand for it is growing every day in the world market. People are willing to buy it for a small fortune. Price of the issue? Only about 2 000 dollars per carat.

It is a close relative of taaffeita, it is similar to them in appearance and chemical composition. Most often found in nature purple and green copies of this stone. Because in the history of mankind was found negligible amount musgravitov, the price is appropriate: 2-3 thousand dollars for the stone and green 6000 green for purple faceted mineral.

Stunning stone saturated shade of blue at the moment has only one known deposits in the world - in the State of California, USA. Because of this, the value of the beautiful gem just sky-high: 4-6 thousand dollars per carat.

This rare mineral is mined only in the states of Utah and New Mexico. To purchase this magnificent gem, you have to be so even Rockefeller: one carat biksbita the global market is estimated at as much as 10-12 thousand dollars.

This gemstone is known worldwide of its superpowers to change color. Day mineral chameleon becomes bluish-green tint, and in the darkness he sparkles pink, magenta, purple and violet colors. The first copy of alexandrite was found in 1903 near present-day Yekaterinburg. Those who want to supplement their collection this amazing stone will have to say goodbye to 10-12 thousand dollars per carat.

Jade (imperial)
It is considered one of the most mysterious minerals on the planet. Flawless stone rich green color is produced in China, Myanmar, Japan, Mexico, the US, Kazakhstan, Guatemala. Lovers of extravagant things have to pay for this "stone" for more than 20 thousand dollars per carat.

Translated from the Tamil name of this stone is "the color of sunrise." This crystal is mined in Tanzania, Madagascar, Sri Lanka. Now padparadzha learned to make artificial: the stone is obtained by heat the mineral corundum, to a certain temperature, and brought to the desired condition. Last padparadzha instance, produced in vivo, weighing 1, 65 carats was sold for 18 thousand dollars (and it's more than 20 years ago!).

The first sample of this stunning gem was discovered in Sri Lanka. It was soon discovered another deposit grandiderita - Madagascar. The approximate cost of the unique minerals in the world market is about 30 thousand dollars per carat.

red diamond
This handsome not for nothing is the most expensive gemstone in the world. People managed to find only a few specimens of this gem. What is most surprising, most of them have a tiny weight - is less than 0, 5 carats. The world knows only one deposit of this outlandish gem - Argyle diamond mine in Australia. Periodically red diamond appear at auction world level. The price per carat is equal to the whole of this treasure of - more than a million dollars.

Hopefully this article has expanded your knowledge about gems. It is necessary to clarify that most of these gems unknown to the public, because they are sold at a private auction among avid collectors. You would have ordered a "pebble" his gift? Share with us in comments your preference.
via ofigenno ru
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