When you need to order forty ost
Sorokooust is a special commemoration, a type of commissioned service that is performed for forty days. People living church life know what it is and have ordered a special liturgy more than once. However, not everyone knows the specifics of this prayer, although it is significant for every reverent Christian.
Today. "Site" It tells you what forty ost is, how to order it and when to do it.
When you order forty ost, first we will talk about what the essence of forty ost is. When a person orders forty ost, in the church forty liturgies in a row (each service) a piece of prosphora is removed at the proskodia, while mentioning the name of the living or deceased for whom the prayer was ordered. At the end of the liturgy with the words: “O Lord, the sins of those who are commemorated here with Your honest blood, through the prayers of Your saints” – a piece of prosphora descends into the cup with the Blood of Christ.
This happens every time in forty liturgies. This number is quite common in the Holy Scriptures: for forty years Moses led the Jews in the desert, forty days fasted the Savior. On this basis, the holy apostles established that the dead should be commemorated forty days. Hence the name Sorokost.
Such services appeared relatively recently, but it is through them that Christians fulfill the covenant to pray for each other. By and large, this is a special rite with which we can pray for living loved ones and deceased relatives. With the help of the forty osts, a person joins the church life and satisfies the need for virtue and love.
Prayer for health can be ordered for living relatives. Sorokooust is ordered not only for sick relatives, because health is not only a physical condition, but also its spiritual state, material well-being. So, you can order forty ost not only for health, but also for peace of mind, well-being, good luck in business.
Sorokosts can be ordered at any time, there are no restrictions. Only during Lent, when full liturgies are held less often, it is better not to order forty osts, but to submit notes on health or repose. But if you want it forty ost, then you can order it at this time too.
For whom should I order forty-foot? For those whom you desire goodness, prosperity and salvation. It is often asked whether it is possible to order forty ost, if a person is not too pious. Of course you can and should. These prayers may bring him back to the right path.
The only limitation: Fortyost cannot be ordered for the unbaptized, for detractors of the faith and for those who converted to another religion, abandoning the church. These people are no longer members of the church, so the divine liturgy cannot be held for them.
Fortyost can also be ordered for the dead. This is done in order to pay tribute to them and ask the Lord for forgiveness of their sins. If a person did not have time to ask for forgiveness from the deceased during his lifetime, then he can do it in forty ost. You can not order fortyosts if the deceased was unbaptized, converted to another faith or was suicidal.
Sorokost, perhaps, can be called the most important memory for a person - alive or deceased. The thing is that the priest prays with remembrance of the name, pouring out particles of prosphorus so that the Lord will wash away the sins of the people mentioned in the note. And we believe that's what happens. This is why the Forty-Ost is so important to Christians.
Among all sorts of folk healers, grandmothers and other craftsmen, the so-called ritual of purification from the evil eye and damage is popular. This means that a person must order. three In the three churches, there will be healing. However, all these rituals are not welcomed by the church.
You cannot order a divine liturgy, thinking about money and some pseudo-magical rituals. Sorocoast is not some kind of reward or price you pay for healing yourself or loved ones. The power of prayer lies in what you say it with. Bringing rituals from the godless to the temple, you only harm yourself, your soul and loved ones for whom you pray.
Priest Andrei Chizhenko warns: “Of course, it is possible to order forty osts in three churches, in ten, and in more numbers.” It's good and important. As a result, prayerfully, through the great Mystery of the Bloodless Sacrifice, the grace of God on man is called. But with what, with what feeling, with what spirit is the forty ost ordered? With the spirit of reverent fear of God? With the spirit of trembling and gentle filial love for Him?
Or is something else going on – investing an alien and even hostile element of paganism in the censing room of the church, seeking justification for one’s own sin? What then does a person get? Only God's wrath. After all, a person who approaches the Chalice (and the Forty-Ost is directly related to the Eucharist) is unworthy, with the thought of a grandmother, of magic, of pagan rituals – a blasphemer and desecrator of shrine. And what could be worse than that?
Therefore, we strongly recommend not addressing people who are not related to the Church. Instead of pseudo-Orthodox rituals, it is always better to say a prayer and turn to the Lord. Go to the temple and pray from the heart for your loved ones. This will help you and them to wash away all your sins, you will be cleansed and fill the spirit with peace. So order fortyost, thereby saving your soul and the souls of your loved ones, but only with pure thoughts!
Remember that in the cup of the Lord there is a great mystery of Divine mercy, love and forgiveness. This is where the human soul is united with Christ. Happiness and peace of mind for you and your loved ones!
Earlier, we made a selection of strange customs associated with the deceased, which are definitely not worth doing. The Church does not approve of this.
We also said that we should not ask the Lord in prayer. The priest described everything in detail.
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Today. "Site" It tells you what forty ost is, how to order it and when to do it.
When you order forty ost, first we will talk about what the essence of forty ost is. When a person orders forty ost, in the church forty liturgies in a row (each service) a piece of prosphora is removed at the proskodia, while mentioning the name of the living or deceased for whom the prayer was ordered. At the end of the liturgy with the words: “O Lord, the sins of those who are commemorated here with Your honest blood, through the prayers of Your saints” – a piece of prosphora descends into the cup with the Blood of Christ.

This happens every time in forty liturgies. This number is quite common in the Holy Scriptures: for forty years Moses led the Jews in the desert, forty days fasted the Savior. On this basis, the holy apostles established that the dead should be commemorated forty days. Hence the name Sorokost.

Such services appeared relatively recently, but it is through them that Christians fulfill the covenant to pray for each other. By and large, this is a special rite with which we can pray for living loved ones and deceased relatives. With the help of the forty osts, a person joins the church life and satisfies the need for virtue and love.
Prayer for health can be ordered for living relatives. Sorokooust is ordered not only for sick relatives, because health is not only a physical condition, but also its spiritual state, material well-being. So, you can order forty ost not only for health, but also for peace of mind, well-being, good luck in business.
Sorokosts can be ordered at any time, there are no restrictions. Only during Lent, when full liturgies are held less often, it is better not to order forty osts, but to submit notes on health or repose. But if you want it forty ost, then you can order it at this time too.

For whom should I order forty-foot? For those whom you desire goodness, prosperity and salvation. It is often asked whether it is possible to order forty ost, if a person is not too pious. Of course you can and should. These prayers may bring him back to the right path.
The only limitation: Fortyost cannot be ordered for the unbaptized, for detractors of the faith and for those who converted to another religion, abandoning the church. These people are no longer members of the church, so the divine liturgy cannot be held for them.

Fortyost can also be ordered for the dead. This is done in order to pay tribute to them and ask the Lord for forgiveness of their sins. If a person did not have time to ask for forgiveness from the deceased during his lifetime, then he can do it in forty ost. You can not order fortyosts if the deceased was unbaptized, converted to another faith or was suicidal.
Sorokost, perhaps, can be called the most important memory for a person - alive or deceased. The thing is that the priest prays with remembrance of the name, pouring out particles of prosphorus so that the Lord will wash away the sins of the people mentioned in the note. And we believe that's what happens. This is why the Forty-Ost is so important to Christians.

Among all sorts of folk healers, grandmothers and other craftsmen, the so-called ritual of purification from the evil eye and damage is popular. This means that a person must order. three In the three churches, there will be healing. However, all these rituals are not welcomed by the church.
You cannot order a divine liturgy, thinking about money and some pseudo-magical rituals. Sorocoast is not some kind of reward or price you pay for healing yourself or loved ones. The power of prayer lies in what you say it with. Bringing rituals from the godless to the temple, you only harm yourself, your soul and loved ones for whom you pray.

Priest Andrei Chizhenko warns: “Of course, it is possible to order forty osts in three churches, in ten, and in more numbers.” It's good and important. As a result, prayerfully, through the great Mystery of the Bloodless Sacrifice, the grace of God on man is called. But with what, with what feeling, with what spirit is the forty ost ordered? With the spirit of reverent fear of God? With the spirit of trembling and gentle filial love for Him?
Or is something else going on – investing an alien and even hostile element of paganism in the censing room of the church, seeking justification for one’s own sin? What then does a person get? Only God's wrath. After all, a person who approaches the Chalice (and the Forty-Ost is directly related to the Eucharist) is unworthy, with the thought of a grandmother, of magic, of pagan rituals – a blasphemer and desecrator of shrine. And what could be worse than that?

Therefore, we strongly recommend not addressing people who are not related to the Church. Instead of pseudo-Orthodox rituals, it is always better to say a prayer and turn to the Lord. Go to the temple and pray from the heart for your loved ones. This will help you and them to wash away all your sins, you will be cleansed and fill the spirit with peace. So order fortyost, thereby saving your soul and the souls of your loved ones, but only with pure thoughts!
Remember that in the cup of the Lord there is a great mystery of Divine mercy, love and forgiveness. This is where the human soul is united with Christ. Happiness and peace of mind for you and your loved ones!
Earlier, we made a selection of strange customs associated with the deceased, which are definitely not worth doing. The Church does not approve of this.
We also said that we should not ask the Lord in prayer. The priest described everything in detail.
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