10 shocking facts about the medicine from the famous surgeon. However, from which the goosebumps ...
The fact that the health system of any country is not ideal - an obvious fact. Unfortunately, we have to admit that because of medical errors on the operating table die every year tens of thousands of people. However, the statistics tell us something quite different. I'm used to complain about our medicine and pseudo-physicians who bought diplomas for money? Do you think that over the hill all those currently working professional Dr. House who can blindly learn autoimmune disease and save 100% of the patients? Today wants a little to shed light on medical confidentiality, which is not to say aloud.
Marty Makary - renowned cancer surgeon, a researcher from Johns Hopkins University. This person was in favor of transparency in the health sector. For a long time he worked at the United Nations, where he was able to assemble an ad hoc group to develop indicators to measure the quality of surgical care around the world. That Makarios was the author of over 150 books and publications about modern surgery.
If you think that American medicine is flawless (still in such beautiful clinics stuffed newfangled equipment!), then we dare you a little surprise. Marty, practitioners, gurus modern surgery, I had in my lifetime to see all. He was a supporter of truth decided to open the eyes of many people on what is happening in the heart of the American clinics, sharing very shocking information. Be prepared to hear the sobering truth about the health care system! That's what the eminent surgeon told the world:
1. Studies show that one in four patients, as a rule, becomes the victim of medical errors.
2. Statistics show that in the United States on a weekly basis about 40 people fall under the knife by mistake.
3. The payment system at physicians is that they have purposefully assign unnecessary procedures and medications to get more profit.
4. Almost 50% of all treatment techniques are not unfounded.
5. Often there are cases when a patient intentionally did not report the most benign methods of treatment, so that the surgeon can practice.
6. Among the list of leading causes of death medical error takes fifth place.
7. Doctors should offer patients anything, even when it can not be of any help. But not because of tender-hearted, just expensive medical equipment is purchased on credit, and pay for something it is necessary.
8. As long as mankind has not invented a cure-all, has to be content with what we have.
9. Each year due to direct medical intervention 225,000 patients die. Of these, 106,000 die as a result of the use of approved medications. Others 119,000 - victims of negligence of medical staff.
10. My advice: try to avoid visiting clinics and resort to them only when absolutely necessary. It does not hurt to always have a personal lawyer who will protect your rights as a patient and ensure that you receive proper treatment.
From this information, a hair-raising! As you can see, the victim of improper treatment or medical experiments could be anyone from this, alas, no one is immune ... It is a pity that medicine has become increasingly resembles a supermarket. We hope that changes for the better in the health system is not far off. And now you can only hope for the best and share this shocking truth with friends. This need to know everyone!
via ofigenno ru
Marty Makary - renowned cancer surgeon, a researcher from Johns Hopkins University. This person was in favor of transparency in the health sector. For a long time he worked at the United Nations, where he was able to assemble an ad hoc group to develop indicators to measure the quality of surgical care around the world. That Makarios was the author of over 150 books and publications about modern surgery.
If you think that American medicine is flawless (still in such beautiful clinics stuffed newfangled equipment!), then we dare you a little surprise. Marty, practitioners, gurus modern surgery, I had in my lifetime to see all. He was a supporter of truth decided to open the eyes of many people on what is happening in the heart of the American clinics, sharing very shocking information. Be prepared to hear the sobering truth about the health care system! That's what the eminent surgeon told the world:
1. Studies show that one in four patients, as a rule, becomes the victim of medical errors.
2. Statistics show that in the United States on a weekly basis about 40 people fall under the knife by mistake.
3. The payment system at physicians is that they have purposefully assign unnecessary procedures and medications to get more profit.
4. Almost 50% of all treatment techniques are not unfounded.
5. Often there are cases when a patient intentionally did not report the most benign methods of treatment, so that the surgeon can practice.
6. Among the list of leading causes of death medical error takes fifth place.
7. Doctors should offer patients anything, even when it can not be of any help. But not because of tender-hearted, just expensive medical equipment is purchased on credit, and pay for something it is necessary.
8. As long as mankind has not invented a cure-all, has to be content with what we have.
9. Each year due to direct medical intervention 225,000 patients die. Of these, 106,000 die as a result of the use of approved medications. Others 119,000 - victims of negligence of medical staff.
10. My advice: try to avoid visiting clinics and resort to them only when absolutely necessary. It does not hurt to always have a personal lawyer who will protect your rights as a patient and ensure that you receive proper treatment.
From this information, a hair-raising! As you can see, the victim of improper treatment or medical experiments could be anyone from this, alas, no one is immune ... It is a pity that medicine has become increasingly resembles a supermarket. We hope that changes for the better in the health system is not far off. And now you can only hope for the best and share this shocking truth with friends. This need to know everyone!
via ofigenno ru
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