The two sold everything and took the cat and do what many of us can only dream of ...
To change life, you start to change the scenery there. The couple once lit dream about traveling. However, the dream so and could remain dreams, if the spouses have not made a decisive step. They sold all their possessions, bought a boat, and August 11, 2011 fled aimlessly. Since that time they did not just live the dream, their lives, and there is what they have been dreaming.
Once upon a time, back in the past, 32-year-old Matt and Jessica Johnson, like all people of their age, have a stable job with a fairly good financial income. Matt worked as the manager of the showroom, and Jessica - billing specialist. But he and it was not enough. They felt suffocated in the stifling atmosphere of the city. Therefore, the Johnsons decided not to dream, but to accomplish what they want in a dream and reality. The couple even brought along his beloved cat named Georgie. During all this time the trio of travelers visited more than 16 countries, including the Bahamas, Jamaica, Cuba and Peru.
«Yes, perhaps our life was the embodiment of the American dream. It is no different from the life of others, when we finished school, got married, and then bought their dream home, got a promising job with good career growth. We spent the weekend in front of their TV screen. But suddenly it occurred to us that it is necessary to change something », i> - I told Matt and Jessica. Just look how their lives changed dramatically!
In actual fact, it all started much earlier - in late summer 2007 on the shore of Lake Michigan.
Then Matt saw a sailboat and said he wants to ever go on the same trip.
He said: «Jessica, we can dig money and buy another shelter, and can just spend the money to buy a boat. What would you most like? » I>
«We agreed that it would be better to spend the summer traveling», i> - says Jessica.
The couple share memories: «In June 2011, when we realized that we wanted to make our trip was delayed for five years, we sold the house. And in July, we had resigned from his job, we sold the car and were ready to go on a cruise ». I>
In 2012, the couple picked up a cat with Georgie.
Georgie enjoyed the trip.
«It seems to me that this cruise around the world have a positive impact on our relationship with Matt», i> - says Jessica Johnson.
«When something goes wrong, we can not, so as not to aggravate the quarrel, to leave home and go to a walk. We solve the problem peacefully right here and now ». I>
Georgie likes to sit on the deck and watch the fish.
«We did not want to be like those madmen who postponed his dream until retirement, and then for one reason or another do about it forget». i>
Matt and Jessica found that Georgie can swim when the cat fell overboard near Grand Cayman.
«If we had not done then a decisive step towards our dream, we would have lived a measured boring life». i>
«can not imagine how we would have survived a life». i>
Oh, and you could make such a bold leap into the unknown? As you can see, sometimes throwing everything, you get much more in return. Tell us about these two brave men to his friends. Maybe some of them have always dreamed of the kind, but he lacked the magic bullet kick in the ass.
Once upon a time, back in the past, 32-year-old Matt and Jessica Johnson, like all people of their age, have a stable job with a fairly good financial income. Matt worked as the manager of the showroom, and Jessica - billing specialist. But he and it was not enough. They felt suffocated in the stifling atmosphere of the city. Therefore, the Johnsons decided not to dream, but to accomplish what they want in a dream and reality. The couple even brought along his beloved cat named Georgie. During all this time the trio of travelers visited more than 16 countries, including the Bahamas, Jamaica, Cuba and Peru.
«Yes, perhaps our life was the embodiment of the American dream. It is no different from the life of others, when we finished school, got married, and then bought their dream home, got a promising job with good career growth. We spent the weekend in front of their TV screen. But suddenly it occurred to us that it is necessary to change something », i> - I told Matt and Jessica. Just look how their lives changed dramatically!
In actual fact, it all started much earlier - in late summer 2007 on the shore of Lake Michigan.

Then Matt saw a sailboat and said he wants to ever go on the same trip.

He said: «Jessica, we can dig money and buy another shelter, and can just spend the money to buy a boat. What would you most like? » I>

«We agreed that it would be better to spend the summer traveling», i> - says Jessica.

The couple share memories: «In June 2011, when we realized that we wanted to make our trip was delayed for five years, we sold the house. And in July, we had resigned from his job, we sold the car and were ready to go on a cruise ». I>

In 2012, the couple picked up a cat with Georgie.

Georgie enjoyed the trip.

«It seems to me that this cruise around the world have a positive impact on our relationship with Matt», i> - says Jessica Johnson.

«When something goes wrong, we can not, so as not to aggravate the quarrel, to leave home and go to a walk. We solve the problem peacefully right here and now ». I>

Georgie likes to sit on the deck and watch the fish.

«We did not want to be like those madmen who postponed his dream until retirement, and then for one reason or another do about it forget». i>

Matt and Jessica found that Georgie can swim when the cat fell overboard near Grand Cayman.

«If we had not done then a decisive step towards our dream, we would have lived a measured boring life». i>

«can not imagine how we would have survived a life». i>

Oh, and you could make such a bold leap into the unknown? As you can see, sometimes throwing everything, you get much more in return. Tell us about these two brave men to his friends. Maybe some of them have always dreamed of the kind, but he lacked the magic bullet kick in the ass.
The two sold everything and took the cat and do what many of us can only dream of ...
One of the largest islands in the world consists entirely of garbage!