10 shocking sexual traditions of the peoples of the world. And as soon as they are not izgalyatsya!
For modern man sex - it is intimate and highly personal. However, not all regions of him was formed the same idea. In every culture in this process are completely different. Some tribes or even whole nations had come up with rituals and currently unimaginable in a long time of existence continue to honor their sexual traditions.
Edition Ofigenno.cc will acquaint you with the most unusual, not to say shocking sexual rites.
Trobriand Islands
In a tribe that lives in the Trobriand Islands peculiar idea of sexual caresses. One of the most exciting moments are considered to nibble eyelashes partner.
Representatives of the tribe Ponape, who lives in Micronesia, stimulate your partner using the ant bites.
Men Bata tribe on the island of Sumatra for the best udovletvovoreniya his girl tuck itself under the foreskin of pebbles and shells.
Indians topinamba before intercourse went into the woods to tease their dignity is one of the species of snakes. Once bitten reptiles genital organ swelled and allowed to gratify partner for several hours.
Sironi tribe in eastern Bolivia for centuries a tradition to purify one another by ticks and lice before sexual intercourse, as well as from partner vyuzhennyh eat insects. As it turned out, in the body there the lice actually present a strong aphrodisiac.
The men of the tribe of Hottentots South Africa There is a strange tradition amputated currently one of the testicles. It is believed that this will protect the family from the birth of twins, the appearance of which is considered to be a curse for the entire tribe.
In Kamchatka, the natives consider it an honor if a stranger entered into an intimate relationship with the wife of the owner, who admitted the stranger for the night. If as a result of the woman became pregnant, the event celebrated the whole tribe. However, it has a reasonable explanation. Since the tribes of Kamchatka are few, and their representatives are to almost all related to each other, they needed fresh blood from outside.
In African tribes in the territory of the Congo bride before marriage she had to deflower only the leader of the tribe. And if he could not cope with this duty, it overthrew and chose a new leader.
In Korea, it practiced an unusual stimulation of the partner. To achieve better erections woman stabbed her husband with a special needle in the right place.
Aboriginal Australian Arunta tribe in deference to a close friend offered him his wife for a few days. Moreover, a waiver of such perceived as a terrible insult!
In conclusion, I would like to repeat the old phrase: "that of course, it is not ugly," but sexy tradition some people make you think, and keep silent. Share this post with your friends, and you will have to discuss at leisure.
via ofigenno ru
Edition Ofigenno.cc will acquaint you with the most unusual, not to say shocking sexual rites.
Trobriand Islands
In a tribe that lives in the Trobriand Islands peculiar idea of sexual caresses. One of the most exciting moments are considered to nibble eyelashes partner.
Representatives of the tribe Ponape, who lives in Micronesia, stimulate your partner using the ant bites.
Men Bata tribe on the island of Sumatra for the best udovletvovoreniya his girl tuck itself under the foreskin of pebbles and shells.
Indians topinamba before intercourse went into the woods to tease their dignity is one of the species of snakes. Once bitten reptiles genital organ swelled and allowed to gratify partner for several hours.
Sironi tribe in eastern Bolivia for centuries a tradition to purify one another by ticks and lice before sexual intercourse, as well as from partner vyuzhennyh eat insects. As it turned out, in the body there the lice actually present a strong aphrodisiac.
The men of the tribe of Hottentots South Africa There is a strange tradition amputated currently one of the testicles. It is believed that this will protect the family from the birth of twins, the appearance of which is considered to be a curse for the entire tribe.
In Kamchatka, the natives consider it an honor if a stranger entered into an intimate relationship with the wife of the owner, who admitted the stranger for the night. If as a result of the woman became pregnant, the event celebrated the whole tribe. However, it has a reasonable explanation. Since the tribes of Kamchatka are few, and their representatives are to almost all related to each other, they needed fresh blood from outside.
In African tribes in the territory of the Congo bride before marriage she had to deflower only the leader of the tribe. And if he could not cope with this duty, it overthrew and chose a new leader.
In Korea, it practiced an unusual stimulation of the partner. To achieve better erections woman stabbed her husband with a special needle in the right place.
Aboriginal Australian Arunta tribe in deference to a close friend offered him his wife for a few days. Moreover, a waiver of such perceived as a terrible insult!
In conclusion, I would like to repeat the old phrase: "that of course, it is not ugly," but sexy tradition some people make you think, and keep silent. Share this post with your friends, and you will have to discuss at leisure.
via ofigenno ru
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