He came to the last question, retaining all the clues. But the show is just beginning ...
Back in 1998 on the British television there was a show called "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" Since then, it has spread to many countries, including our. With this show interesting facts are related, for example, the first winner of the Italy was not a million and one billion Italian lire. And the participation of the main character in the Indian version of the Oscar-winning film built transmission "Slumdog Millionaire».
But in no other country has there been such an original winner, John Carpenter. He was the first to win a million dollars in the American version of the show. Yes, how to win! The only clue John took only the last question. He decided to call his father ... Well, what am I telling? See for yourself!
Well, how do you this original? His victory is valuable not only because this guy is incredibly smart, but by what he was able to do the show. I think the owners of the channel have been grateful to him. Do you share this material with your friends, let them also appreciate act cheerful and smart guy.
via ofigenno ru
But in no other country has there been such an original winner, John Carpenter. He was the first to win a million dollars in the American version of the show. Yes, how to win! The only clue John took only the last question. He decided to call his father ... Well, what am I telling? See for yourself!
Well, how do you this original? His victory is valuable not only because this guy is incredibly smart, but by what he was able to do the show. I think the owners of the channel have been grateful to him. Do you share this material with your friends, let them also appreciate act cheerful and smart guy.
via ofigenno ru
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