Top 10 geek serials and TV shows in the opinion of the team of organizers of the festival Make It Show

Organizers of the festival Make It Show decided to gather a selection of the coolest TV series and TV shows that should evaluate all who awe and delight belong to science , technology and modern technology, and can distinguish quality from the TV show House-2.
Rating entirely subjective and is the collective opinion of the team of organizers of the festival Make It Show. We will be glad if you tell us which series or TV show, do you think we missed, and he must be on this list.
Thus, we present the top 10 geek-series and TV shows in our opinion.
10. Sci Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible: Physics of the Impossible (TV show) h4> Sci-Fi Science: Physics of the Impossible - it is one of the most popular shows of the channel Discovery.
Lead is Professor Michio Kaku - a real physicist, telling simple and accessible language on a variety of interesting phenomena, which can often be attributed to science fiction.
NB. Must watch if you want to learn how to create your own lightsaber like Luke Skywalker
9. The Science of Sport (TV show) h4> Sport science - the show that goes on in the original sports channel ESPN. Presenter John Brenkus in his specially created laboratory using sports stars of world sport and modern technology is very clearly shows some of the details and the details is something for which thousands of fans fill the grandstand.
NB. Must watch if you want to know how Dzhavalu McGee manages to score at the same time 2 dunk, or as scientifically correct beat penalty
8. Black Mirror (TV series) h4> Black mirror - British TV series, overlooking the channel Channel 4.
Pretty depressing, but they are not less exciting and deep storyline of the series keeps the tension from the first to the last second. Episodes of the series are not connected with each other and act as separate stories, with a single leitmotif. The authors of the series show how our world may be in the future, if we do not control their own "immersion" into the world of modern technology.
NB. Must watch, if you think that Facebook, iPhone and Google - is good, but there are things in the world and more important.
7. Top Gear (TV show) h4> This show knows anyone who can distinguish the crankshaft from the hayloft. One of the most popular shows for fans of motor produces a British television channel BBC.
March 25, 2015 BBC officially announced the dismissal of the chief of the brain and lead show Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson. Following Clarkson his colleagues on the shop floor Richard Hammond and James May, as well as producer Andy Wilman refused to continue working in the «Top Gear», and because of this the future of the popular transmission remains in question.
However, a review of all issues Top Gear is required for each avtozavisimogo boom.
NB. Must watch if you want to know who is still hidden under the helmet Stig (spoiler: Yes, yes ... in one of the episodes, Stig still remove the helmet)
6. Silicon Valley (TV series) h4> Silicon Valley - is the story of a group of American computer geeks who live in the same house, and try to run a high-tech startup. Very, by the way, the actual topic now.
NB. Must watch if you want to drop everything and Make us your own Angry Birds.
5. Through space and time with Morgan Freeman (TV show) h4> Just brilliant show Discovery Channel featuring as always brilliant Morgan Freeman.
The program explores the deepest mysteries of existence - the questions that always troubled mankind. What have we done? What was before the beginning of all things? Are we alone in the universe? Do creator?
NB. Must watch if ... simply must watch!
4. Halt and Catch Fire (TV series) h4> Halt and Catch Fire - series from AMC, tell and show how it was conceived, to which we now write this review - modern computers.
The plot unfolds in a year after IBM introduced on the market its first product - IBM PC. One of the former employees of IBM assembles a team and trying to create the first laptop.
Judging by the description it seems that it should be interesting only to programmers and computer geeks? Believe me, you're wrong! Passions and intrigue are bigger than in some action-thrillers.
NB. Must watch if you want to see Lee Pace from "The Hobbit" and "Twilight" as a white collar in a computer firm
3. Programmers (TV series) h4> The IT-crowd - British comedy sitcom, telling about the team Jokes IT-support of a large company.
Only three main characters - two classic IT specialist (experienced and novice), whose "office" is a dirty, neglected basement and the girl-clerk, who does not understand a damn thing about computers, but it has to go down into the basement, each time in office again something breaks.
NB. Must watch if you want to know what you think about the pros when you ask him to look at the computer "and that Th-Windows knocks».
2. MythBusters (TV show) h4> MythBusters - show ubiquitous Discovery Channel, where special effects experts Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage are questioning all kinds of rumors, stories and urban legends and try to experiment to confirm or destroy these myths.
These experiments pleasure to watch: usually something explodes, falls and shatters into pieces. In short, the normal scientific and experimental atmosphere.
NB. Must watch if you want to know whether it is possible to make rocket fuel for sausage and whether Americans deystivtelno on the Moon?
1. The Big Bang Theory (TV series) h4> Big Bang Theory - if not the funniest of the modern geek-series, then certainly - the most successful and popular.
TBV several times nominated and won an Emmy and a Golden Globe. In it there is a real light modern scientific level Civan Hawking. One of the main characters has recently signed a contract with Intel and starred in a series of hilarious commercials, each of which is rumored to cost the software giant more than $ 1 million.
On the plot. If you just, in the series describes the life of four friends, young scientists, next to which one day settled pretty girl Penny.
One of the main characters, which actually keeps the whole series (forgive us fans Raj Koothrappali) - is Sheldon Cooper - a brilliant scientist physicist priskvernym character.
Who has ever watched The Big Bang Theory, consider this description well, sooo simplistic. Who has not watched, believe me, it's very funny and very clever series.
NB. Must watch if you want to know what is Bazinga and how to win the "Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock»
P.S. Company «Smayls.Obrazovanie» invites you to visit the festival of science, technology and modern art Make It Show , which will be held from 27 to 28 June in Kiev from 15 to 16 August in Moscow.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/shkolnaya_karta/blog/248690/
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