This man sacrificed himself to save the life of his pupil. A real hero!
In extreme situations, people often triggered self-preservation instinct. They are willing to do anything to survive. That's why people are regularly killed in a stampede. Just others do not pay attention to the weaker or those who fell ...
But the hero of today's story is not so. In an extreme situation, he is not only not a loss, but was able to save the girl's life, which almost did not know. His name is Robert Cook, he was 22, he worked as an instructor in parachute jumping. During the crash, he became a human shield for his 21-year-old student Kimberly Dir. But first things first ...
Robert Cook and rescued them, Kimberly Dir.
This story happened in 2006 in one of the airports in the city of St. Louis. In the air flew the plane with 7 passengers on board, which included parachuting instructor Robert Pilot, Kimberly and another 4 people. Witnesses say that shortly after takeoff noticed how the plane caught fire one of the engines. The car began rapidly approaching the earth ...
Robert did not panic, he went to Kimberley, who was nearby, and told that they are falling, and that before the actual fall of her need to try to be on it, to soften the impact force. He picked up the equipment for the joint jumping and fastened it to the Kimberley itself, so that the girl's head was level with his shoulders. In front of the fall of Kimberly disoriented, but Robert turned it so that in the moment of contact with the ground Kimberly turned on him.
As a result of the disaster killed all but Kimberly, who escaped with two broken bones, cuts, concussion and multiple bruises.
Kimberley with his father for a few minutes before take-off and what was left of the plane ...
Instead of doing everything to save himself, this guy tried to make the survivors anyone else. He succeeded. Family Kimberly is extremely pleased that their daughter remained alive, and Robert differently as they do not call a hero. And I agree with them ...
Tell us about the heroic deed of your friends ...
via ofigenno ru
But the hero of today's story is not so. In an extreme situation, he is not only not a loss, but was able to save the girl's life, which almost did not know. His name is Robert Cook, he was 22, he worked as an instructor in parachute jumping. During the crash, he became a human shield for his 21-year-old student Kimberly Dir. But first things first ...
Robert Cook and rescued them, Kimberly Dir.

This story happened in 2006 in one of the airports in the city of St. Louis. In the air flew the plane with 7 passengers on board, which included parachuting instructor Robert Pilot, Kimberly and another 4 people. Witnesses say that shortly after takeoff noticed how the plane caught fire one of the engines. The car began rapidly approaching the earth ...
Robert did not panic, he went to Kimberley, who was nearby, and told that they are falling, and that before the actual fall of her need to try to be on it, to soften the impact force. He picked up the equipment for the joint jumping and fastened it to the Kimberley itself, so that the girl's head was level with his shoulders. In front of the fall of Kimberly disoriented, but Robert turned it so that in the moment of contact with the ground Kimberly turned on him.
As a result of the disaster killed all but Kimberly, who escaped with two broken bones, cuts, concussion and multiple bruises.
Kimberley with his father for a few minutes before take-off and what was left of the plane ...

Instead of doing everything to save himself, this guy tried to make the survivors anyone else. He succeeded. Family Kimberly is extremely pleased that their daughter remained alive, and Robert differently as they do not call a hero. And I agree with them ...
Tell us about the heroic deed of your friends ...
via ofigenno ru
15 most beautiful horses, which you can not see enough. Gasped with delight ...
They disguised beyond recognition: the 20 actors that the film does not know.