WHY advanced youth no longer buy AUTO AND APARTMENTS
The traditional measure of success - their own apartment and car - is no longer relevant. An increasing number of young people around the world do not want to buy them.
Numerous studies of Western experts show that the generation of so-called "millenialov", ie people who are now 30-35 years old, has rarely buy the house, and even more rarely - cars. In fact, they do not generally sverhdorogih purchases. Except for iPhones, of course.
In America, people under the age of 35 years is generally called "generation of tenants." why is this happening? Some sociologists believe that this is due to the fact that the share of the youth of today have to too much financial cataclysms. And because people are simply afraid to take "serious" loans.
But even this is not important. The fact that the generation of today's young people is different from the generation of their fathers other values.
Today's youth is reviewing the concept of success. Previously successful people were those who owned your own home and car, but now in special honor those who invested in expertise and experience: travelers extremals startups.
Young people deliberately refuse to purchase real estate, and even furniture, preferring to rent them. The point - that now people do not want prosperity and stability, a flexible schedule, financial and geographical independence.
Material things are no longer just interested people. Why own a car in the US, if you have the Uber and Lyft? This is, in fact, a personal car with a driver. And the services Uber no more expensive than own a car.
Why buy a house in a beautiful place and go there for a vacation if you can find a house through Airbnb anywhere in the world? You do not have to overpay for either rent or buy property in the country a favorite. Same thing with the real estate in his hometown. Firstly, you do not know how long you will live where you live. Secondly, why take out a mortgage for 40 years, if you can accept the fact that spend all my life in rented accommodation? In the end, the job you are likely to in the future, the next few years, change it, and if you are renting, then nothing prevents you to move closer to the office. Forbes reports that today's young Americans change jobs an average of every three years.
The concept of ownership of things is no longer relevant.
Reviewer James Gamblin Atlantic explains the phenomenon this way: "In the last ten years, psychologists have spent a huge amount of research showing that in terms of happiness and sense of well-being is much more profitable to spend money on the purchase of a new experience, not new things. It brings more joy. "
This thesis is confirmed by the journal Psychological Science.
Here are excerpts from the article Gamblin:
"It turns out that people do not want to listen to stories about where you bought a house there. They want to hear what you have spent a wonderful weekend. " Amit Kumar, a doctoral student at Cornell University.
"Even a bad experience eventually becomes a great story." James Gamblin.
"Social interaction between people is crucial in the matter, they will be happy or not. So you need to talk to other people and have a lot of friends. Of course, others will be more pleasant to hear about how you went to a crazy journey or how you have lived a year in the wild country, and not about how many apartments you already bought. " Amir Kumar.
There's something else. The fact is that the things that we have, especially if they are very expensive, make us worry about their condition. Buy a car - and you'll wince every time worked outside someone's alarm. Buy a house, navezite it expensive technology - and you'll be afraid of robbery. Not to mention the fact that the cars scratched, beat and ultra-expensive televisions tend to fail after a year of operation. The resulting as you experience one you will not take.
Our parents were not able to travel as cheaply and as often as we do. They have not had the opportunity to have fun as they are now, we have fun. They were not so easy to start a new business, we are. Therefore, they have invested in houses and cars, and to do so we do not want. In the end, any of our purchase, if it is not a house or apartment, depreciate over time. And if you think about how quickly the crisis cheaper real estate, everything becomes even more obvious.
Therefore, we also recommend that you invest in experience: it does not depreciate, and can not be stolen.

Numerous studies of Western experts show that the generation of so-called "millenialov", ie people who are now 30-35 years old, has rarely buy the house, and even more rarely - cars. In fact, they do not generally sverhdorogih purchases. Except for iPhones, of course.
In America, people under the age of 35 years is generally called "generation of tenants." why is this happening? Some sociologists believe that this is due to the fact that the share of the youth of today have to too much financial cataclysms. And because people are simply afraid to take "serious" loans.
But even this is not important. The fact that the generation of today's young people is different from the generation of their fathers other values.
Today's youth is reviewing the concept of success. Previously successful people were those who owned your own home and car, but now in special honor those who invested in expertise and experience: travelers extremals startups.
Young people deliberately refuse to purchase real estate, and even furniture, preferring to rent them. The point - that now people do not want prosperity and stability, a flexible schedule, financial and geographical independence.
Material things are no longer just interested people. Why own a car in the US, if you have the Uber and Lyft? This is, in fact, a personal car with a driver. And the services Uber no more expensive than own a car.
Why buy a house in a beautiful place and go there for a vacation if you can find a house through Airbnb anywhere in the world? You do not have to overpay for either rent or buy property in the country a favorite. Same thing with the real estate in his hometown. Firstly, you do not know how long you will live where you live. Secondly, why take out a mortgage for 40 years, if you can accept the fact that spend all my life in rented accommodation? In the end, the job you are likely to in the future, the next few years, change it, and if you are renting, then nothing prevents you to move closer to the office. Forbes reports that today's young Americans change jobs an average of every three years.
The concept of ownership of things is no longer relevant.
Reviewer James Gamblin Atlantic explains the phenomenon this way: "In the last ten years, psychologists have spent a huge amount of research showing that in terms of happiness and sense of well-being is much more profitable to spend money on the purchase of a new experience, not new things. It brings more joy. "
This thesis is confirmed by the journal Psychological Science.
Here are excerpts from the article Gamblin:
"It turns out that people do not want to listen to stories about where you bought a house there. They want to hear what you have spent a wonderful weekend. " Amit Kumar, a doctoral student at Cornell University.
"Even a bad experience eventually becomes a great story." James Gamblin.
"Social interaction between people is crucial in the matter, they will be happy or not. So you need to talk to other people and have a lot of friends. Of course, others will be more pleasant to hear about how you went to a crazy journey or how you have lived a year in the wild country, and not about how many apartments you already bought. " Amir Kumar.
There's something else. The fact is that the things that we have, especially if they are very expensive, make us worry about their condition. Buy a car - and you'll wince every time worked outside someone's alarm. Buy a house, navezite it expensive technology - and you'll be afraid of robbery. Not to mention the fact that the cars scratched, beat and ultra-expensive televisions tend to fail after a year of operation. The resulting as you experience one you will not take.
Our parents were not able to travel as cheaply and as often as we do. They have not had the opportunity to have fun as they are now, we have fun. They were not so easy to start a new business, we are. Therefore, they have invested in houses and cars, and to do so we do not want. In the end, any of our purchase, if it is not a house or apartment, depreciate over time. And if you think about how quickly the crisis cheaper real estate, everything becomes even more obvious.
Therefore, we also recommend that you invest in experience: it does not depreciate, and can not be stolen.