Why men and women think differently. INGENIOUS explanation!
Women are arranged much more complicated than men. Men's simple, women - hard. Do you know why?
An explanation of how the thought process occurs in men, but as - women, appeared on the site Tickld. Its author - an internationally known speaker and comedian Mark Gunvor.
Women are arranged much more complicated than men. Men's simple, women - hard. Do you know why?
Because we have a completely different biological structure of the brain. I'll start with the men.
Men's brains - a device in which perfect order reigns. We all laid out on a separate box.
Relationships - one "box", sports - in the other, the work - in the third. We have a lot of boxes for virtually everything. We have a "box" for the car, there is a "box" for the money, there is a "box", which holds the thought of work. There is a box where you store your thoughts about women. There is a separate box for the children. Private box - is the thought of the mother. She's out there somewhere, in the basement.
We are, and always add up to these boxes. And there is one rule: one box is shoveled, others can not touch. When we discuss any one particular question, just reach for the box where we all "documents" on it. W is why we are only discussing specific issues: we are very careful about the content of the boxes, which at the moment we are not talking.
With the female brain's different. Female Brain - a large ball, all wrapped thinking "wire».
And there everything is connected to everything. The money associated with the machine, Mashiro - to work, children - his mother, his mother - my grandmother, my grandmother, too, be sure to something "connected." As a result of the thought process of women - it's like a broadband backbone on which all run by the same form of energy - emotions.
That is why women tend to remember everything. Because if you take any event of your life and connect it to the emotions, it will remain in your memory forever.
Why men are not? Because, first, we often forget to review their boxes. Secondly, we are being almost bezemotsionalnye. Frankly, we are concerned that very little really. And women tend to take care of everything at once. They just love this process.
And the men in the brain, there is one "box", which most women do not know about. It is an empty box.
This is our favorite box. If a man has a chance to do it, he always pulls it out of her subconscious. What could be better than to completely empty the brain for a few hours? That's why we love fishing.
And in fact, what I've been telling you, it was confirmed scientifically. Several years ago, the University of Pennsylvania conducted a study and found that men really can be switched off, do not think about anything, and at the same breathing. Unlike women. They do not have this skill.
Women's mind never stops. They can not just get a box of "nothing." This, of course, drives them crazy. And it makes us feel particularly irritated at times when they see a man who does not do anything.
Mark Gunvor

An explanation of how the thought process occurs in men, but as - women, appeared on the site Tickld. Its author - an internationally known speaker and comedian Mark Gunvor.
Women are arranged much more complicated than men. Men's simple, women - hard. Do you know why?
Because we have a completely different biological structure of the brain. I'll start with the men.
Men's brains - a device in which perfect order reigns. We all laid out on a separate box.
Relationships - one "box", sports - in the other, the work - in the third. We have a lot of boxes for virtually everything. We have a "box" for the car, there is a "box" for the money, there is a "box", which holds the thought of work. There is a box where you store your thoughts about women. There is a separate box for the children. Private box - is the thought of the mother. She's out there somewhere, in the basement.
We are, and always add up to these boxes. And there is one rule: one box is shoveled, others can not touch. When we discuss any one particular question, just reach for the box where we all "documents" on it. W is why we are only discussing specific issues: we are very careful about the content of the boxes, which at the moment we are not talking.
With the female brain's different. Female Brain - a large ball, all wrapped thinking "wire».
And there everything is connected to everything. The money associated with the machine, Mashiro - to work, children - his mother, his mother - my grandmother, my grandmother, too, be sure to something "connected." As a result of the thought process of women - it's like a broadband backbone on which all run by the same form of energy - emotions.
That is why women tend to remember everything. Because if you take any event of your life and connect it to the emotions, it will remain in your memory forever.
Why men are not? Because, first, we often forget to review their boxes. Secondly, we are being almost bezemotsionalnye. Frankly, we are concerned that very little really. And women tend to take care of everything at once. They just love this process.
And the men in the brain, there is one "box", which most women do not know about. It is an empty box.
This is our favorite box. If a man has a chance to do it, he always pulls it out of her subconscious. What could be better than to completely empty the brain for a few hours? That's why we love fishing.
And in fact, what I've been telling you, it was confirmed scientifically. Several years ago, the University of Pennsylvania conducted a study and found that men really can be switched off, do not think about anything, and at the same breathing. Unlike women. They do not have this skill.
Women's mind never stops. They can not just get a box of "nothing." This, of course, drives them crazy. And it makes us feel particularly irritated at times when they see a man who does not do anything.
Mark Gunvor