12 amazing facts about kissing, which you are not even aware
As it turned out, people know very little about kissing, and how you are competent in this matter?
Kisses are an integral part of everyone's life, whether he likes to kiss or not. Also, in the world there are many kinds of kisses on the cheek, lips, friendly, gratitude, and so on, but whatever it is always the expression of feelings and emotions.
As it turned out, people know very little about kissing, and although it should be, because most of us kisses every day.
1. Most people remember their first kiss is much brighter than the first experience
Bohennon John Butler of the University interviewed 500 people about their memories of the very first experiments in their lives, and as shown by the survey, the first kiss they remembered much brighter than the loss ...
2. No one knows exactly why we do it
By and large, the kiss - the exchange of saliva to another person. It sounds a bit strange, not to say disgusting. So why kissing is so popular? Unfortunately, there is no exact answer. It is believed that because we want to get information about the biological partner.
3. Kiss can save lives
Thanks to the 1980 study, researchers found that men who kiss their wives before leaving for work, live much longer and less involved in road traffic accidents. They also have a higher income compared to married men who do not.
4. Not every culture they welcome
Anthropologists say that in some cultures, such regions as Asia, Africa and South America, the kisses are considered disgusting occupation.
5. Some people are afraid of their
All of us are nervous before the first kiss, but for some people this anxiety never fails. Panic fear of kissing is called filemafobiya.
6. Kissing strengthen our immunity
Studies have shown that every kiss we give each other the whole colonies of oral bacteria exchanged strengthens our immune system. Also during the kisses we quickens the heartbeat and dilates blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure.
7. Two of the three men turn their heads to the right when kissing
People are much more inclined to turn his head to the right than to the left. Scientists from the Ruhr University in Germany analyzed 124 pairs and found that 65 percent of participants in the experiment turns his head to the right
8. This pair of "repurpose" anyone
Ekkachai and laksana Tiranarat in 2013 went down in history thanks to his kiss, which lasted 58 hours and 35 mine and 58 seconds. They have not beaten the world record to this day.
9. This is an excellent workout for the face
During a kiss, we'll use 146 muscles, of which 32 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles (supporting). It is not surprising that one minute kiss burns 26 calories.
10. We have special neurons that help us to find an object for a kiss in the dark
In 1990, researchers from Princeton University found specific neurons in the premotor cortex of the brain that are responsible for the tactile sensation and awareness around the face area. This explains why it is so easy to find a partner lips after lights.
11. It's all about chemistry
During a kiss our brain sends signals that are very similar to the message that we do intense exercise, or take a stimulating ... It makes our hearts beat faster and makes our breath deeper and inconsistent.
12. Kissing reduce stress and make us feel safe
Kissing reduce the level of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone that makes us feel safe and stay more comfortable.

Kisses are an integral part of everyone's life, whether he likes to kiss or not. Also, in the world there are many kinds of kisses on the cheek, lips, friendly, gratitude, and so on, but whatever it is always the expression of feelings and emotions.
As it turned out, people know very little about kissing, and although it should be, because most of us kisses every day.
1. Most people remember their first kiss is much brighter than the first experience
Bohennon John Butler of the University interviewed 500 people about their memories of the very first experiments in their lives, and as shown by the survey, the first kiss they remembered much brighter than the loss ...
2. No one knows exactly why we do it
By and large, the kiss - the exchange of saliva to another person. It sounds a bit strange, not to say disgusting. So why kissing is so popular? Unfortunately, there is no exact answer. It is believed that because we want to get information about the biological partner.
3. Kiss can save lives
Thanks to the 1980 study, researchers found that men who kiss their wives before leaving for work, live much longer and less involved in road traffic accidents. They also have a higher income compared to married men who do not.
4. Not every culture they welcome
Anthropologists say that in some cultures, such regions as Asia, Africa and South America, the kisses are considered disgusting occupation.
5. Some people are afraid of their
All of us are nervous before the first kiss, but for some people this anxiety never fails. Panic fear of kissing is called filemafobiya.
6. Kissing strengthen our immunity
Studies have shown that every kiss we give each other the whole colonies of oral bacteria exchanged strengthens our immune system. Also during the kisses we quickens the heartbeat and dilates blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure.
7. Two of the three men turn their heads to the right when kissing
People are much more inclined to turn his head to the right than to the left. Scientists from the Ruhr University in Germany analyzed 124 pairs and found that 65 percent of participants in the experiment turns his head to the right
8. This pair of "repurpose" anyone
Ekkachai and laksana Tiranarat in 2013 went down in history thanks to his kiss, which lasted 58 hours and 35 mine and 58 seconds. They have not beaten the world record to this day.
9. This is an excellent workout for the face
During a kiss, we'll use 146 muscles, of which 32 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles (supporting). It is not surprising that one minute kiss burns 26 calories.
10. We have special neurons that help us to find an object for a kiss in the dark
In 1990, researchers from Princeton University found specific neurons in the premotor cortex of the brain that are responsible for the tactile sensation and awareness around the face area. This explains why it is so easy to find a partner lips after lights.
11. It's all about chemistry
During a kiss our brain sends signals that are very similar to the message that we do intense exercise, or take a stimulating ... It makes our hearts beat faster and makes our breath deeper and inconsistent.
12. Kissing reduce stress and make us feel safe
Kissing reduce the level of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone that makes us feel safe and stay more comfortable.