World famous scientist-atheists to prove that God exists
Absolute shock to the scientific world was the performance of the famous philosophy professor Antony Flew
The scientist, who is now well over 80, for many years was one of the pillars of scientific atheism. For decades, I Flew published books and lectured built on the premise that faith in God is unjustified, writes portal "Meta».
But a series of recent discoveries made great defender of atheism to change their views. Flew he said publicly that was wrong, and the universe could not have arisen by itself - it was obviously created by someone more powerful than we can imagine.
According to Flew, before he, like other atheists, was convinced that once a long time ago from dead matter just had the first living matter. "Today it is impossible to imagine the construction of the atheistic theory of the origin of life and the emergence of the first reproducing organism," - he says Flew.
According to the scientist, the current data on the structure of the DNA molecule irrefutable evidence that it could not occur by itself, but is someone's development. The genetic code and literally encyclopedic volumes of information that keeps the molecule, deny the possibility of blind coincidences.
British physicist John Martin Rees, who was awarded the Templeton Prize this year, believes that the universe - a very complicated thing. Scientist, which account for more than 500 scientific papers, received $ 1, 4 million. For what proved the existence of the Creator. Although he is an atheist physicist, adds the publication "Correspondent».
"According to the director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Akimov, the existence of God is proved by scientific methods", - Interfax reports.
"God is there, and we can see signs of His will. This is the opinion of many scientists, they do not just believe in the Creator, and are based on some knowledge, "- he said in an interview published on Friday, the newspaper" Moskovsky Komsomolets ».
This scholar said that in the past century, many physicists believed in God. Moreover, until the time of Isaac Newton, the division between science and religion did not exist, science involved priests, because they were the most educated people. Newton himself had theological education and often repeated: "The laws of mechanics I deduce from the laws of God».
When scientists invented a microscope and began to study what happens inside the cells, the processes of doubling and dividing chromosomes made them a stunning response: "How can this be, if all this was not foreseen by God ?!»
"In fact, - said Akimov, - if we talk about the fact that man appeared on Earth as a result of evolution, taking into account the frequency of mutations and the rate of biochemical processes to create human primary cells of the time it would take much more than the age of the Universe" .
"Besides, - he continued - calculations were performed, which showed that the number of elements in the quantum universe radionablyudaemoy amount can not be less than 10155, and it can not have the Overmind».
"If it is a single system, then, seeing it as a computer, we ask: what is beyond the power of a computer system with so many elements? It's unlimited, larger than the modern computer and tricked out in a disproportionate number of times! "- Said the scientist.
According to him, the fact that different philosophers call the Universal Mind, the Absolute, it is the heavy-duty system that we have identified with the potential of the Supreme.

The scientist, who is now well over 80, for many years was one of the pillars of scientific atheism. For decades, I Flew published books and lectured built on the premise that faith in God is unjustified, writes portal "Meta».
But a series of recent discoveries made great defender of atheism to change their views. Flew he said publicly that was wrong, and the universe could not have arisen by itself - it was obviously created by someone more powerful than we can imagine.
According to Flew, before he, like other atheists, was convinced that once a long time ago from dead matter just had the first living matter. "Today it is impossible to imagine the construction of the atheistic theory of the origin of life and the emergence of the first reproducing organism," - he says Flew.
According to the scientist, the current data on the structure of the DNA molecule irrefutable evidence that it could not occur by itself, but is someone's development. The genetic code and literally encyclopedic volumes of information that keeps the molecule, deny the possibility of blind coincidences.
British physicist John Martin Rees, who was awarded the Templeton Prize this year, believes that the universe - a very complicated thing. Scientist, which account for more than 500 scientific papers, received $ 1, 4 million. For what proved the existence of the Creator. Although he is an atheist physicist, adds the publication "Correspondent».
"According to the director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, Academy of Natural Sciences Anatoly Akimov, the existence of God is proved by scientific methods", - Interfax reports.
"God is there, and we can see signs of His will. This is the opinion of many scientists, they do not just believe in the Creator, and are based on some knowledge, "- he said in an interview published on Friday, the newspaper" Moskovsky Komsomolets ».
This scholar said that in the past century, many physicists believed in God. Moreover, until the time of Isaac Newton, the division between science and religion did not exist, science involved priests, because they were the most educated people. Newton himself had theological education and often repeated: "The laws of mechanics I deduce from the laws of God».
When scientists invented a microscope and began to study what happens inside the cells, the processes of doubling and dividing chromosomes made them a stunning response: "How can this be, if all this was not foreseen by God ?!»
"In fact, - said Akimov, - if we talk about the fact that man appeared on Earth as a result of evolution, taking into account the frequency of mutations and the rate of biochemical processes to create human primary cells of the time it would take much more than the age of the Universe" .
"Besides, - he continued - calculations were performed, which showed that the number of elements in the quantum universe radionablyudaemoy amount can not be less than 10155, and it can not have the Overmind».
"If it is a single system, then, seeing it as a computer, we ask: what is beyond the power of a computer system with so many elements? It's unlimited, larger than the modern computer and tricked out in a disproportionate number of times! "- Said the scientist.
According to him, the fact that different philosophers call the Universal Mind, the Absolute, it is the heavy-duty system that we have identified with the potential of the Supreme.
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