Superfluous small talk much wasting your energy, especially chatter podkormlennaya emotions.
When you're in my life something happens, try one practice - do not tell anyone about this, when already painfully itching to tell. Something happens - to keep it to myself, if you keep within themselves the strength and potential of the incident.
Also, when someone tries to involve you in their stories - keep calm and follow your emotions, do not let them control you and get involved in other people's emotions. It even notice others - in which the halo of power and mystery you start to dwell, but in fact you just kept myself not to squander more of a feat than pustoplyuystvo.
Words and thoughts affect our lives. DNA perceives human speech.
Scientists came to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech. Its "ears" downright adapted to capture sound vibrations.
Pushkin once wrote to his wife: "not to soil the soul of reading French novels." Our contemporary unless smiles this behest of genius, but in vain. The molecules of heredity and receive acoustic and light information: silent reading comes to cell nuclei by electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, and another of her injures.
Prayer words evoke reserve possibilities of the genetic apparatus. The Curse of the program destroys the wave and, therefore, interferes with the normal development of the organism.
P. Goryaev believes that with the help of verbal thought-forms of man creates a genetic apparatus. For example, a child from the parents who took a certain program starts rowdy swearing. Thus, he destroys himself and his environment - both social and psychological. And rolling this "snowball" from generation to generation.
So the genetic apparatus completely indifferent about what we think, say, what books to read. Everything is imprinted in the genome of the wave, ie the wave genetic program that changes in one direction or another heredity and program each cell. So, the word can cause cancer and can cure the person. And the DNA did not understand, you are dealing with a live person or a hero of the television series.
As the words and thoughts affect our lives
Have you ever wondered when or whether that words and thoughts affect our lives?
In fact, they do not just influence, they shape our reality! And from what you say depends on what kind of life you life! If you saw the movie Water "Great Secret of Water", you probably remember that water is able to receive, store and transmit such information even as thin as human thought, emotion, not to mention the words. Under their influence is changing the entire structure of the water, its molecules, and as we ourselves are made up of water, respectively, then a person can own words and thoughts affect their health and body. Let's look at the most common phrases in our lives, and as a result we get. So here we go!
They say - "wow!" - What do you think, how many do you get for yourself? Of course not! Just remember, did you have such cases, when you what - or not getting? Everybody got, and you do not. This situation, the response of the universe to the phrase - "wow!»
Remember how often you say - "I do not hear anything (I do not see, do not feel, etc.) !!!" Do you think that will attract these words in your life? - Course of the disease eyes, ears, nose.
Talking and thinking - "I am fat" - you get the advantage of extra weight.
Talking - "I am losing weight" - you get the disease and begin to feel worse, as the word "losing weight", from the word "thin". Replace the phrase on - "I Slim" - and then this thought-form will start to positively influence on you.
Saying "I have no money," you'll never respectively financially abundant. It helps attract finance phrase - "to me easily and often come money!" And as soon as you let your negative thoughts of the claimed process, so you will feel how easy it is for you to open up new opportunities for the arrival of money in your purse!
Speaking in response to the appreciation - "health!" - You give your health !!! Thereby offering another - on, take my health! Replacing these words there - very pleasant and emotional terms. When they say "thank you", answer - "for the good».
Using the prefix "demon" in the words of the devil you attract into your life. The prefix "demon" in the Russian language has never existed! New spelling rules imposed by the Russian people after the 1917 coup. "Demon" - a prefix that has been put in the Russian language in 1921 Lunacharsky-Lenin contrary to the rules of the Russian language. This rule is introduced specifically to demon despised praise and exalt. Look at the word "impotent", "useless", "pointless", these words we give force of the evil spirits. Change it to "no." And then everything will fall into place.
The words "I like nothing" - programmed to the absence of something - either in your family!
Saying "I need", "I have" - you live a life of poverty and under the circumstances, thus depriving themselves of the opportunity to be the master of your life. These words would be replaced by "I choose».
Speaking of the child "fool" - he will have difficulties at school. Because, as you created it is not sensible!
Speaking of a loved one - "to my eyes have not seen you," "You got me" "Leave me alone", "disappear from my life" - you program a break in relations with this man. Do not be surprised if your husband, or a child then leaves the family, or something even worse from the life. But that is the law of the universe works. What do you ask, and then you come! Remember the Russian fairy tale, when the wife said to her husband - "yes, so that you failed!" That is what, at that moment happened. It's not by chance! Russian always knew the power of words and thoughts and tales shows how universal laws!
Speaking of the child, "You fall," "There's a broken leg, the neck will roll!" So, please, do not be surprised if your child is what will happen! You yourself, again created a scenario of life to her child. Remember how often you say - "because I told you that it will be so" - it is also precisely this case, when you are attracted negative situation in the life of your loved one, and therefore in his.
Speaking of men, "all men ... .., there is no normal!" - And it turns out that each successive man in your life, you will bring only one suffering and sorrow.
Says the man - "I will not stand!" - You get problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
"You have me sit on the neck!" - Get low back pain.
"The heart bleeds," "I have a little heart is not stopped" - I think that ordered in the celestial office with heart disease.
In order to prevent wrong, it is important not to think about it, and certainly not to say negative information. No wonder there is a saying - "Said - done!" That is to say, you have almost realized. You run the program execution! But not all that bad, just work and good words and thoughts. By creating and releasing the freedom of positive thoughts, you will get a positive result in life as good people and pleasant events.
And one more important information - abusing human zasylaya curse at him, calling him insulting words and insults, thus you not only affects his aura, but also on his own! You destroy your subtle energy and brings the same curse on themselves and their children! Before you speak firmly against someone really worth considering and worth it! Maybe better to hold back! And let their emotions in a scream in the forest, thereby removing power from itself and get a lot of pleasant sensations throughout the body.
Replacing negative thoughts and words positive, you create space around them love and positive, and in this case, all you will bypass the negative side. But saying the words "I love" and "thanks" to you and you are working on changing the world. Let us as often as possible to give a smile, love, gratitude and forgiveness creating pure energy of light in our universe.
Negative words that affect our life script very much, but now I think you yourself will be able to track them in his speech and did not let them get the better of your life! Believe me, just by changing the way of thinking and speech, you dramatically with the "failure" can change your life in a happy and joyful.

When you're in my life something happens, try one practice - do not tell anyone about this, when already painfully itching to tell. Something happens - to keep it to myself, if you keep within themselves the strength and potential of the incident.
Also, when someone tries to involve you in their stories - keep calm and follow your emotions, do not let them control you and get involved in other people's emotions. It even notice others - in which the halo of power and mystery you start to dwell, but in fact you just kept myself not to squander more of a feat than pustoplyuystvo.
Words and thoughts affect our lives. DNA perceives human speech.
Scientists came to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech. Its "ears" downright adapted to capture sound vibrations.
Pushkin once wrote to his wife: "not to soil the soul of reading French novels." Our contemporary unless smiles this behest of genius, but in vain. The molecules of heredity and receive acoustic and light information: silent reading comes to cell nuclei by electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, and another of her injures.
Prayer words evoke reserve possibilities of the genetic apparatus. The Curse of the program destroys the wave and, therefore, interferes with the normal development of the organism.
P. Goryaev believes that with the help of verbal thought-forms of man creates a genetic apparatus. For example, a child from the parents who took a certain program starts rowdy swearing. Thus, he destroys himself and his environment - both social and psychological. And rolling this "snowball" from generation to generation.
So the genetic apparatus completely indifferent about what we think, say, what books to read. Everything is imprinted in the genome of the wave, ie the wave genetic program that changes in one direction or another heredity and program each cell. So, the word can cause cancer and can cure the person. And the DNA did not understand, you are dealing with a live person or a hero of the television series.
As the words and thoughts affect our lives
Have you ever wondered when or whether that words and thoughts affect our lives?
In fact, they do not just influence, they shape our reality! And from what you say depends on what kind of life you life! If you saw the movie Water "Great Secret of Water", you probably remember that water is able to receive, store and transmit such information even as thin as human thought, emotion, not to mention the words. Under their influence is changing the entire structure of the water, its molecules, and as we ourselves are made up of water, respectively, then a person can own words and thoughts affect their health and body. Let's look at the most common phrases in our lives, and as a result we get. So here we go!
They say - "wow!" - What do you think, how many do you get for yourself? Of course not! Just remember, did you have such cases, when you what - or not getting? Everybody got, and you do not. This situation, the response of the universe to the phrase - "wow!»
Remember how often you say - "I do not hear anything (I do not see, do not feel, etc.) !!!" Do you think that will attract these words in your life? - Course of the disease eyes, ears, nose.
Talking and thinking - "I am fat" - you get the advantage of extra weight.
Talking - "I am losing weight" - you get the disease and begin to feel worse, as the word "losing weight", from the word "thin". Replace the phrase on - "I Slim" - and then this thought-form will start to positively influence on you.
Saying "I have no money," you'll never respectively financially abundant. It helps attract finance phrase - "to me easily and often come money!" And as soon as you let your negative thoughts of the claimed process, so you will feel how easy it is for you to open up new opportunities for the arrival of money in your purse!
Speaking in response to the appreciation - "health!" - You give your health !!! Thereby offering another - on, take my health! Replacing these words there - very pleasant and emotional terms. When they say "thank you", answer - "for the good».
Using the prefix "demon" in the words of the devil you attract into your life. The prefix "demon" in the Russian language has never existed! New spelling rules imposed by the Russian people after the 1917 coup. "Demon" - a prefix that has been put in the Russian language in 1921 Lunacharsky-Lenin contrary to the rules of the Russian language. This rule is introduced specifically to demon despised praise and exalt. Look at the word "impotent", "useless", "pointless", these words we give force of the evil spirits. Change it to "no." And then everything will fall into place.
The words "I like nothing" - programmed to the absence of something - either in your family!
Saying "I need", "I have" - you live a life of poverty and under the circumstances, thus depriving themselves of the opportunity to be the master of your life. These words would be replaced by "I choose».
Speaking of the child "fool" - he will have difficulties at school. Because, as you created it is not sensible!
Speaking of a loved one - "to my eyes have not seen you," "You got me" "Leave me alone", "disappear from my life" - you program a break in relations with this man. Do not be surprised if your husband, or a child then leaves the family, or something even worse from the life. But that is the law of the universe works. What do you ask, and then you come! Remember the Russian fairy tale, when the wife said to her husband - "yes, so that you failed!" That is what, at that moment happened. It's not by chance! Russian always knew the power of words and thoughts and tales shows how universal laws!
Speaking of the child, "You fall," "There's a broken leg, the neck will roll!" So, please, do not be surprised if your child is what will happen! You yourself, again created a scenario of life to her child. Remember how often you say - "because I told you that it will be so" - it is also precisely this case, when you are attracted negative situation in the life of your loved one, and therefore in his.
Speaking of men, "all men ... .., there is no normal!" - And it turns out that each successive man in your life, you will bring only one suffering and sorrow.
Says the man - "I will not stand!" - You get problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
"You have me sit on the neck!" - Get low back pain.
"The heart bleeds," "I have a little heart is not stopped" - I think that ordered in the celestial office with heart disease.
In order to prevent wrong, it is important not to think about it, and certainly not to say negative information. No wonder there is a saying - "Said - done!" That is to say, you have almost realized. You run the program execution! But not all that bad, just work and good words and thoughts. By creating and releasing the freedom of positive thoughts, you will get a positive result in life as good people and pleasant events.
And one more important information - abusing human zasylaya curse at him, calling him insulting words and insults, thus you not only affects his aura, but also on his own! You destroy your subtle energy and brings the same curse on themselves and their children! Before you speak firmly against someone really worth considering and worth it! Maybe better to hold back! And let their emotions in a scream in the forest, thereby removing power from itself and get a lot of pleasant sensations throughout the body.
Replacing negative thoughts and words positive, you create space around them love and positive, and in this case, all you will bypass the negative side. But saying the words "I love" and "thanks" to you and you are working on changing the world. Let us as often as possible to give a smile, love, gratitude and forgiveness creating pure energy of light in our universe.
Negative words that affect our life script very much, but now I think you yourself will be able to track them in his speech and did not let them get the better of your life! Believe me, just by changing the way of thinking and speech, you dramatically with the "failure" can change your life in a happy and joyful.
Parable about how to return the warmth and tenderness in relationships