The hidden danger of social networking.
The flow of information generated by the system generates attention-grabbing effect.
Social networks are very hazardous to health, especially in the case of children under 14 years, and more often if they spend there more than 2-3 hours a day. As a result of such excessive activity, a person says the rise of psychotic symptoms. These manifestations are particularly delusions, anxiety, confusion, anxiety, and increased vulnerability.
It was also found that when a person is sitting in the social network for more than 4 hours a day, it is two times more likely to suffer from depression, and three times from a sleep disorder, rather than a person who spends in social networks for a limited time. It is especially dangerous social networks were recognized for children's health. Such children suffer from chronic loneliness, despite the fact that they could also have friends and romantic relationships.
It turns out that social networks, which, apparently, are designed to bring people together, stimulate the development of their sense of loneliness, as the person of its new state of the patient does not feel right because of the saturation of information. Due to what it is that happens, doctors at this stage do not undertake to judge, but for me this is no mystery. So I tell you that this state comes from the tension of the neck muscles, prolonged sitting in one is not a comfortable position.
And then in the tense tilt head of the cervical vertebrae are alternately tilted (in one), its upper part, back and forth, landing head in Atlanta moves forward and chin tilted down, which leads to a strong stroke, as the carotid arteries are clamped it state, the front and back simultaneously. This causes the above condition, when the blood in the head does not pass, but the brain causes the heart to work with the increased load, why the blood rushes to your feet, and then they become severe, and the person is bad and confidently walks! Gradually change even bite the lower teeth come forward, the eyes become stiff and not expressive, and points out that the disease is - Autism.
And, unfortunately, there is no longer any massage will not help and will only aggravate the situation of the patient, which ultimately results in gradually, so the brain to complete degradation even often, even in a very young age. At the same time, medical scientists for some reason do not understand so well, with the result, autism, so far, do not know how to treat. And I, by the technique of information such medicine cured patients have long been regarded as stopped.
For the people of this type is characterized by low levels of domestic and psychological culture. In their inner world, as in the picture of the world, psychological factors or no problems as such or, more commonly, fully depreciated. Dominating the same in this case are only material values, material well-being, and physical health is at the bottom. And it is because of fear and phobia fear of the environment as part of an aggressive, are constant.
The subjective experiences of people of this type can be described by the following phrase: 'It would be money would buy health and would solve all problems at once. In my problems to blame other people, and I myself the full rate. Something is wrong with the world around me. Change is necessary not to me, and everything around me. ' Here some other man credited with the power and responsibility for themselves and for everything that happens in life, including for their own psychological problems.
'Treated' is a painful condition, I have, without pills and without the personal presence of the patient. During the last years of medical practice I began to fix things like that - for the moment. Though if to list everything that I correct for a moment, it will be a very long list of straightening of the vertebrae, bones and various life-support systems. And a lot of recovery, in its present form the muscles, ligaments and tissues - to the cellular level, including the new energy of the body and sometimes completely new genetics. - All of these things have already been described in greater detail in the previous books, and so these details are missing.

Social networks are very hazardous to health, especially in the case of children under 14 years, and more often if they spend there more than 2-3 hours a day. As a result of such excessive activity, a person says the rise of psychotic symptoms. These manifestations are particularly delusions, anxiety, confusion, anxiety, and increased vulnerability.
It was also found that when a person is sitting in the social network for more than 4 hours a day, it is two times more likely to suffer from depression, and three times from a sleep disorder, rather than a person who spends in social networks for a limited time. It is especially dangerous social networks were recognized for children's health. Such children suffer from chronic loneliness, despite the fact that they could also have friends and romantic relationships.
It turns out that social networks, which, apparently, are designed to bring people together, stimulate the development of their sense of loneliness, as the person of its new state of the patient does not feel right because of the saturation of information. Due to what it is that happens, doctors at this stage do not undertake to judge, but for me this is no mystery. So I tell you that this state comes from the tension of the neck muscles, prolonged sitting in one is not a comfortable position.
And then in the tense tilt head of the cervical vertebrae are alternately tilted (in one), its upper part, back and forth, landing head in Atlanta moves forward and chin tilted down, which leads to a strong stroke, as the carotid arteries are clamped it state, the front and back simultaneously. This causes the above condition, when the blood in the head does not pass, but the brain causes the heart to work with the increased load, why the blood rushes to your feet, and then they become severe, and the person is bad and confidently walks! Gradually change even bite the lower teeth come forward, the eyes become stiff and not expressive, and points out that the disease is - Autism.
And, unfortunately, there is no longer any massage will not help and will only aggravate the situation of the patient, which ultimately results in gradually, so the brain to complete degradation even often, even in a very young age. At the same time, medical scientists for some reason do not understand so well, with the result, autism, so far, do not know how to treat. And I, by the technique of information such medicine cured patients have long been regarded as stopped.
For the people of this type is characterized by low levels of domestic and psychological culture. In their inner world, as in the picture of the world, psychological factors or no problems as such or, more commonly, fully depreciated. Dominating the same in this case are only material values, material well-being, and physical health is at the bottom. And it is because of fear and phobia fear of the environment as part of an aggressive, are constant.
The subjective experiences of people of this type can be described by the following phrase: 'It would be money would buy health and would solve all problems at once. In my problems to blame other people, and I myself the full rate. Something is wrong with the world around me. Change is necessary not to me, and everything around me. ' Here some other man credited with the power and responsibility for themselves and for everything that happens in life, including for their own psychological problems.
'Treated' is a painful condition, I have, without pills and without the personal presence of the patient. During the last years of medical practice I began to fix things like that - for the moment. Though if to list everything that I correct for a moment, it will be a very long list of straightening of the vertebrae, bones and various life-support systems. And a lot of recovery, in its present form the muscles, ligaments and tissues - to the cellular level, including the new energy of the body and sometimes completely new genetics. - All of these things have already been described in greater detail in the previous books, and so these details are missing.
Japanese scientists have found where living creatures are hidden biological clock
For those who said that in Sochi, nothing could be done