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It was Irkutsk, the far either 91, or 92 th year. Company graduate students of the Faculty of German organized another party. Despite posletalonnoe existence scraped together and a point each in *, and Kinder Surprise for our 4-year-old little girls, she loved them terribly. And how on earth it could happen that this egg was not a toy! The little girl was upset, but gay students, the language pretty well owned imaginary enemy, decided to write a letter to the German producers, on behalf of the Siberian girl who this girl was then copied and koryavenko sounded something like this: "Dear uncle, who make Kinder surprises. I'm a little girl from a distant Siberia, was very upset when not found in egg toys. Please make sure that children never cried, opening the Kinder-surprises ". It even sent a letter.
After 2 months, the central post office premise came from firms with 10 toys in plastic cups (chocolate, of course, was not sent). Such toys I have not seen more than ever - they were special. And letters printed on the computer at a very white paper - "Dear girl from distant Siberia. Our toys for children around the world gather intelligent machines, but, unfortunately, even intelligent machines are sometimes mistaken. We do not want to upset you and send you these toys ».
Since then, I have great respect for the firm «Kinder», and for some reason I still have a little bit ashamed.
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