Mystical and anomalous zone of Russia

in every city and region of Russia has its myths and legends that are passed on from generation to generation. We have selected the most interesting and famous anomalous zones of the world's largest country, which is difficult to explain what is happening nauchno.1. Molёbsky treugolnik

The location of this natural anomaly - an area of the village Molyobka River. According to local residents, in 1980 here meteorite fell from the sky. After more than 20 years for the study of anomalies in the village came expedition led by scientists of the RAS. However, nothing concrete, they could not identify. Aborigines say that from time to time in the area see different colors flash, luminous objects, as well as suffering from auditory hallucinations. In addition, visitors to the village start temperature drops and the head bol.2. Village Rastes

Location - Sverdlovsk region. Once it ran Babinov path that connected the western and eastern part of Russia. In the village were then gold miners, who assured me that from time to time see some glow and evil duhov.3. Mountain of the Dead (Dyatlov Pass)

This story is known to many. In winter 1959 there died under mysterious circumstances a group of tourists, students led by Igor Dyatlov. His name is now called the pass. Versions of what happened with tourists (their bodies were badly mutilated) goes a huge amount. Starting from the secret development of the government and ending with the intervention of supernatural sil.4. Lovozero

Location - the Kola Peninsula. In the area of the lake people notice changes in the course of time and space curvature. And there is a version that here lives the most snow chelovek.5. Death Valley (Viluy)

Here in the 50s of the 20th century, local miners claimed that in the area of the river Algy Timirnit, which translates "Big pot drowned", seven were huge in size boilers that looks like copper. For those who spend a few hours in the area, allegedly show signs of radioactive oblucheniya.6. Medveditskaya gryada

Location - Volgograd region. Inside the hills located between the two cities, there are tunnels, the appearance of which - a mystery. Local assure that fly through the corridors here fireballs. During the Great Patriotic War of the entrances to the hills blew up, and the tunnels were added to the legends of buried gold in an anomalous place and evil duhah.7. Ferris Kladbische

Location - the junction of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk region. For the first time to the fore in the 1920s. People have found that cattle have reached this clearing, either die or disappear without a trace. And the locals as soon approached the anomalous zone, started behaving badly chuvstvovat.8. Lake Shaytan

Location - Kirov region. Locals say that the lake water columns sometimes appear resembling geysers. Allegedly at the bottom here lives a demon, and what happens to the lake, is the result of anger otherworldly suschestva.9. Arkaim

Location - Chelyabinsk region. Here lies the ancient abandoned city of Arkaim, whose age, according to some scientists, reaches 4,000 years. Local as well observed in this district flying fireballs and flash sveta.10. Sasovskoye voronka

Location - Ryazan region. In April 1991, near the town of Sasovo powerful explosion. Then half of the houses in the town were broken glass. A cause of the explosion was never found. Crater with a diameter of 28 m and depth - 4 m. In the night, when a bomb exploded, the locals saw the glowing orbs.