Eli Thompson very cute baby, born without a nose

Timothy Eli Thompson (Timothy Eli Thompson) was born on March 4, in the state of Alabama, and he has no nose. The child is absent septum and nasal sinuses due to a rare genetic disease called aplasia of the nasal bones. This disease is also called a nose, and characterized by partial infertility or complete absence of a nose at birth. This is an extremely rare condition that affects one out of 197 million mladentsev.

Baby, born without a nose in Alabama, became a sensation, because this pathology is extremely redko.

Timothy Eli Thompson was born prematurely without any nasal passages or sinuses. He is one of 37 people who were born with congenital complete Arhinia (aplasia of the nasal bones) .

When Eli was only 5 days old, he was held tracheotomy, which helped him breathe better. Because of this procedure, however, Eli will not emit virtually no sound during crying and his mother must constantly after him priglyadyvat.

His mother, 23-year-old Brandy, expect to see a completely healthy baby, since ultrasound showed no abnormalities during pregnancy. But the first time he saw Eli, she fell in love with him, because, despite the fact that the baby was not the nose, he was charming and very milym.

Brandi has even created a Facebook page and called her "History of Eli", where she talks about the ups and downs in the treatment of her rebёnka.

As a young mother already made contact with parents who have children born without a nose, as well as those who grew up with this vice razvitiya.

The child spent three weeks in the hospital and all the time his parents learned how to properly care for them at home without medical pomoschi.

With regard to the operation, it is possible, but even the doctors can not give a 100% guarantee that it will fix the situation and that the artificial nose will funktsionalnym.

Meanwhile, Eli's parents said they decided not to do plastic surgery, until the boy grows up and do not make your own vybor.

Brandi loves his son and called it the most beautiful boy in mire.