Competition: how many Chinese fit in one car?
Winners will receive $ 75. Condition: fill the car a greater number of people, close all doors and sit as 10 seconds.
It's worth it?))
Why young people are not in a hurry to buy apartments and cars and no longer consider it an indicator of success
Interesting Chinese competition (5 photos)
Eight weddings Elizabeth
Good old console games Sega
Machines Dusseldorf
First and internet.
Startups and technology from the world of audio: Four curious news
20 tests, after which you will become a different person
Outdoor advertising, which works (Updated!)
20 tests, after which you will become a different person.
Why young people are not in a hurry to buy apartments and cars and no longer consider it an indicator of success
Interesting Chinese competition (5 photos)
Eight weddings Elizabeth
Good old console games Sega
Machines Dusseldorf
First and internet.
Startups and technology from the world of audio: Four curious news
20 tests, after which you will become a different person
Outdoor advertising, which works (Updated!)
20 tests, after which you will become a different person.
Medical instruments of the past
Living Statues