8 most bizarre competitions endurance
Why do they do it? ..
People love to prove his superiority - and because there are all kinds of competitions. But there is a very, very strange competitions, and it is about them, we suggest you read.
1. 23 days in a filled garbage "Ford Ranger"
Sritaran Amordalingam recently won an unusual competition of endurance, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. February 25, 2014, the year four people sat in a brand-new, but filled with garbage "Ford Ranger". Competition was sponsored by radio station «Hitz FM», and the slogan was: "To live in a Ford to win it».
The contestants had to remain in the car without a shower, air conditioning or the ability to move around inside the car and on it. Fortunately, they allowed at least every three hours to go to the toilet for 15 minutes.
After 23 days, the only one who stayed in the hot smelly car was Sritaran. He won the prize, which went and - probably the nearest bathroom.
2. 77 hours not to take his hands from avtomobilya
It sounds simple, but in fact ... Keep something in his hand and never left anything hand for as long as you can. In the case of our competition, it was a car. The more minutes, hours or even days pass, the more difficult it is not divorced from his hand.
The most famous competition of this kind was called "Hands on" Hardbody "», the first time it was held in 1992, and was the organizer of the dealer «Nissan» in Texas. «Hardbody» - this is one of the types of trucks manufactured by the company «Nissan». Every hour, the participants were allowed to take a break for five minutes, and every six hours - by as much as 15 minutes. The contest lasted 87 hours.
The competition of the same name, held in 1995, and lasted 77 hours, was the basis of the eponymous documentary. The film became a cult, and it put a Broadway musical. It is rumored that before his death, another adaptation of the famous work by Robert Altman directed.
In 2005, one of the participants on behalf of Richard Vega lasted 48 hours, but then was eliminated when he moved across the street, where a stolen gun and killed himself. His wife filed a lawsuit against the dealer, accusing the company of "brainwashing" to the participants - the competition supposedly makes them go crazy. The matter was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum, and the competition is no longer held.
3. They danced chasa
During the Great Depression of the 1930s in the United States enjoyed great popularity dance marathons - when people need the money and free time they (probably) was enough. So marathons were held across the country and were pretty interesting show.
In all these marathons he had rules on when and how often you can take a break. But the record established by Mike ferrites and Edith Boudreau - they danced a slow dance on August 29, 1930 until April 1, 1931, the first year, a total of 5152 hours. For this couple got $ 2,000 (now this amount is equivalent to $ 28,000).
In the end, like dance marathon in the United States banned.
In the video - one of these marathons in Chicago.
4. The longest kiss - 58 hours 35 minutes 58 sekund
In 2013, the year on Valentine's Day set a new world record for the longest kiss. Ekkacha and Lexan Tiranarat from Bangkok kissing for 58 hours 35 minutes 58 seconds.
The pair could not sit or sleep, and had to go to the toilet with a special monitor to ensure that their lips are still in contact.
5. Two hours into ldu
Chen Jin and Kesa Songhao recently set a new world record of standing on the ice and hit the "Guinness Book of Records." The contest was held in the Chinese province of Hunan. The men climbed into tanks filled with blocks of ice, and Chen stood there for 118 minutes, and Jean - 120 minutes in his shorts.
They both broke the previous record of Dutchman Hof wines, ice lasted 115 minutes. Gene, by the way, out of boredom at this time to practice calligraphy.
6. 16 minutes and 15 seconds in a very, very hot saune
World Championship in Finland sauna was conducted from 1999 to 2010. For men (yes, women too, enough silliness to participate), the initial temperature was 110 ° C, and every 30 seconds on the hot stones of the furnace is poured half a liter of water.
The wet sauna is much hotter, dry and most of the participants held out there for more than five minutes. Mandatory requirement - the contestants had to sit in the common bathing trunks and remain conscious.
World record set Timo Kaukonen, who remained inside 16 minutes and 15 seconds. No need to be a genius to realize that this is very dangerous: in 2010, the year finalist Vladimir Ladyzhenskii died, and the other party inflicted heavy damage to your body. After this Championship is no longer held.
7. eat 34 kilograms krapivy
Nettles, she nettle has tiny needle-like hairs - precisely because of them, if you touch the plant, will be very painful. Now imagine what it would be to touch her lips. Or eat it.
In 1997, the competition was held, in which participants were given one hour to eat as many nettles as they could, squeezed it with water or beer. The world record is 34 kg. The next competition will be held on June 7, 2014, the year in Bottl Ying, Dorset, England. Want to participate?
8. Championships tire-kikingu
The rules are simple: kicking the enemy's shins until he falls. Competitors face each other and hold each other by the collar. Trousers, by the way, you can fill with straw to protect.
Those crazy competitions are held with the XVII-th century, and the modern version was introduced in 1951, the year in Cotswold Olympic Games in England. Currently, this "sport" is very popular - to play and see thousands of people come. The winner of the 401-th championship (in 2013 year) was the 24-year-old Zach Warren, who won the previous year.
via factroom.ru

People love to prove his superiority - and because there are all kinds of competitions. But there is a very, very strange competitions, and it is about them, we suggest you read.
1. 23 days in a filled garbage "Ford Ranger"

Sritaran Amordalingam recently won an unusual competition of endurance, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. February 25, 2014, the year four people sat in a brand-new, but filled with garbage "Ford Ranger". Competition was sponsored by radio station «Hitz FM», and the slogan was: "To live in a Ford to win it».
The contestants had to remain in the car without a shower, air conditioning or the ability to move around inside the car and on it. Fortunately, they allowed at least every three hours to go to the toilet for 15 minutes.
After 23 days, the only one who stayed in the hot smelly car was Sritaran. He won the prize, which went and - probably the nearest bathroom.
2. 77 hours not to take his hands from avtomobilya

It sounds simple, but in fact ... Keep something in his hand and never left anything hand for as long as you can. In the case of our competition, it was a car. The more minutes, hours or even days pass, the more difficult it is not divorced from his hand.
The most famous competition of this kind was called "Hands on" Hardbody "», the first time it was held in 1992, and was the organizer of the dealer «Nissan» in Texas. «Hardbody» - this is one of the types of trucks manufactured by the company «Nissan». Every hour, the participants were allowed to take a break for five minutes, and every six hours - by as much as 15 minutes. The contest lasted 87 hours.
The competition of the same name, held in 1995, and lasted 77 hours, was the basis of the eponymous documentary. The film became a cult, and it put a Broadway musical. It is rumored that before his death, another adaptation of the famous work by Robert Altman directed.
In 2005, one of the participants on behalf of Richard Vega lasted 48 hours, but then was eliminated when he moved across the street, where a stolen gun and killed himself. His wife filed a lawsuit against the dealer, accusing the company of "brainwashing" to the participants - the competition supposedly makes them go crazy. The matter was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum, and the competition is no longer held.
3. They danced chasa

During the Great Depression of the 1930s in the United States enjoyed great popularity dance marathons - when people need the money and free time they (probably) was enough. So marathons were held across the country and were pretty interesting show.
In all these marathons he had rules on when and how often you can take a break. But the record established by Mike ferrites and Edith Boudreau - they danced a slow dance on August 29, 1930 until April 1, 1931, the first year, a total of 5152 hours. For this couple got $ 2,000 (now this amount is equivalent to $ 28,000).
In the end, like dance marathon in the United States banned.
In the video - one of these marathons in Chicago.
4. The longest kiss - 58 hours 35 minutes 58 sekund

In 2013, the year on Valentine's Day set a new world record for the longest kiss. Ekkacha and Lexan Tiranarat from Bangkok kissing for 58 hours 35 minutes 58 seconds.
The pair could not sit or sleep, and had to go to the toilet with a special monitor to ensure that their lips are still in contact.
5. Two hours into ldu

Chen Jin and Kesa Songhao recently set a new world record of standing on the ice and hit the "Guinness Book of Records." The contest was held in the Chinese province of Hunan. The men climbed into tanks filled with blocks of ice, and Chen stood there for 118 minutes, and Jean - 120 minutes in his shorts.

They both broke the previous record of Dutchman Hof wines, ice lasted 115 minutes. Gene, by the way, out of boredom at this time to practice calligraphy.
6. 16 minutes and 15 seconds in a very, very hot saune

World Championship in Finland sauna was conducted from 1999 to 2010. For men (yes, women too, enough silliness to participate), the initial temperature was 110 ° C, and every 30 seconds on the hot stones of the furnace is poured half a liter of water.
The wet sauna is much hotter, dry and most of the participants held out there for more than five minutes. Mandatory requirement - the contestants had to sit in the common bathing trunks and remain conscious.
World record set Timo Kaukonen, who remained inside 16 minutes and 15 seconds. No need to be a genius to realize that this is very dangerous: in 2010, the year finalist Vladimir Ladyzhenskii died, and the other party inflicted heavy damage to your body. After this Championship is no longer held.
7. eat 34 kilograms krapivy

Nettles, she nettle has tiny needle-like hairs - precisely because of them, if you touch the plant, will be very painful. Now imagine what it would be to touch her lips. Or eat it.
In 1997, the competition was held, in which participants were given one hour to eat as many nettles as they could, squeezed it with water or beer. The world record is 34 kg. The next competition will be held on June 7, 2014, the year in Bottl Ying, Dorset, England. Want to participate?
8. Championships tire-kikingu

The rules are simple: kicking the enemy's shins until he falls. Competitors face each other and hold each other by the collar. Trousers, by the way, you can fill with straw to protect.
Those crazy competitions are held with the XVII-th century, and the modern version was introduced in 1951, the year in Cotswold Olympic Games in England. Currently, this "sport" is very popular - to play and see thousands of people come. The winner of the 401-th championship (in 2013 year) was the 24-year-old Zach Warren, who won the previous year.
via factroom.ru
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