Ashrita Furman holds the record for the Guinness Book of Records for the number of

Behind Ashrita Furman has 103 Guinness records, including records set in very difficult and dangerous conditions, as well as the most exotic places on the planet. He now holds more than 20 no one had beaten the Guinness record for the including a large number of records. In second place with 18 records is Paul McCartney. However, their records are far from each other, because records McCartney - is his hits, and Furman specializes in jumping, walking, hula-hoop rotation, juggling, balancing and the like.
In some of his records Ashrita demonstrated incredible endurance and speed. For example, jumping on a pogo-stick ("Grasshopper") underwater in the Amazon River for 3 hours and 40 minutes, climbed up and down on the same "grasshopper" 16 miles to the foot of Mount Fuji in Japan, prokuvyrkalsya 12 ¼ miles along the entire length Paul Reverz road in Massachusetts, made 4495 the deep knee bends for 1 hour was more than 129 kilometers, carrying a bottle of milk on his head! And 24 hours performed 130,000 jumping rope, made 8555 lifts the upper body with the help of the simulator for the development of the abdominal muscles in 1 hour on the background of the Eiffel Tower and ran a mile, turning the hoop around your waist, in record time - 14 minutes 25 seconds - on the embankment of the Moscow River opposite the Kremlin.
Ashrita pioneered several new sports, including "rowing on the ground", using the converted rowing machine with wheels to drive on the road 1500 miles (2413 km) on the island of Bali; underwater juggling three balls of lead (more than 48 minutes in an aquarium full of fish in New Zealand) and standing on a rubber ball aerobics (more than 3 hours and 30 minutes in Indonesia). He also holds the record for the race on a unicycle backwards at 85 km.
However, apart from a mind-blowing record endurance Ashrita Furman set several, as he himself says, "stupid and child" records, which can be safely attributed the last two: the game of "fleas" on time - a distance of one mile (1609 m) - mouth and catch the maximum number of grapes per minute from a distance of about 5 meters from the thrower. Record time for which Ashrita "chased" chip ("flea"), pushing it another chip on the smooth surface of the floor terminal International Airport Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur, was 26 and 25 minutes, 8 seconds. The amount of grapes caught her mouth in a minute, was 68 pieces. The previous record - 55 pieces.
"... I like to do such a stupid and children's things like this record in the game of" flea "because I want to make people laugh. If they decide that I went mad and laugh at me, I'll be happy. After all, there are so many unhappy people, "- said Ashrita Furman in an interview.
Asked why he need all this, he says: "I try to show others that human abilities are unlimited, if we can really believe in yourself." Furman claims that even his funny records require tremendous determination, concentration and physical fitness.
Source: gazeta.aif.ru
via factroom.ru
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