The largest cockroach in the world has a body length of 8 cm and weighs 30 grams

Homeland giant burrowing cockroach rhinoceros - North Queensland, the Australian state. It is the largest and heaviest of all species of cockroaches in the world. It can have a weight up to 30 grams with a body length of up to eight centimeters! Since they do not have wings, and they are unable to travel long distances, these cockroaches are not considered pests. They live in the bushes, and their life expectancy by up to ten years. Some fans believe this insect wonderful pet cockroach as the cockroach rhinoceros she loves purity, has no odor and does not seek to leave your aquarium. Nicknamed the "digging" the cockroach got out of the ability to break through the long and deep tunnels. Thus, this cockroach - one of a squad that can equip yourself dwelling underground. To eat this insect prefers fallen eucalyptus leaves. The female cockroach rhinoceros lays up to thirty larvae hatched from them and cockroaches spend with my mother to nine months, until we learn to settle under the ground.
Source: www.infoniac.ru
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