10 facts about cockroaches

1. Cockroach makes many squeamish feeling when you see it on the floor or on the wall. And when he still flies, it does feel uneasy. But nature, apparently, has taken care of the person, and in this, as there is only one kind of flying cockroaches - Megaloblatta longipennis, having wings. They are quite large - 185 mm. Flying cockroaches live mainly in Central and South America.
2. Cockroaches gases released every 15 minutes. After death, they continue to produce gas for 18 hours. In total, the gases that produce all the insects in the world, is 20% of the methane produced on earth. Cockroach gases in the 20 percent take the most important place, which means that their "contribution" to global warming of the planet is not small. Termites and cows are also significantly affect the warming.
3. If a cockroach falls on his back, on level ground (for example, on the floor), it can not roll over and die himself. If it falls somewhere in the land, there he can help leaves, grass, twigs or stones to be able to catch and turn over. Therefore, funds for the destruction of pesticides contain substances paralyzing the muscles of insects.
4. International name cockroach "Cucaracha" Spanish origin. It is pumped into English in the early 17th century, it is for the name of cockroaches.
5. There is one kind of cockroach Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (Hissing - hissing). During the movement he makes quite a loud hiss, punching his way as if shouting: "Dear me, dear!". It is discovered and the filmmakers have successfully used the voices of these cockroaches for scoring special episodes.
6. Cockroaches continue to live without a head. This suggests that they do not breathe a nose like a man and other animals and insects, they breathe the cells of the body. In addition, insects have no blood, and hence there is no pressure in the body. Cockroaches may be some time live peacefully and without a head.
< 7. 50 years ago it was found a direct link between cockroaches and allergic diseases, especially asthma in humans. In each multi-storey town house has between 900 to 300 000 different insects, most of which are cockroaches. Scientists believe that the majority of allergic diseases appear exactly in the building, ie. K. People, especially children, mostly located on the premises. Unlike periodic allergies related to the seasons, year-round allergic to cockroaches.
8. is the most common cockroach Blatella Germanica. He is a cousin of a flying cockroach. He lives about 6 months. The female stores about 40 of the testicles can produce 6-8 times. It turns offspring 240-320 cockroaches. Enough that among them were 10 females, who multiply by 100, and within a few months, thousands of hideous creatures inhabit a tiny plot of land.
9. The American cockroach runs for the second 75 cm. The relative size of their bodies is a significant speed. If a cockroach the size of a cheetah, he ran to 50 kilometers per hour.
10. Many say that after a nuclear explosion will survive some cockroaches. But this talk is no definite scientific evidence. Although there are studies confirming the stability of cockroaches to radiation exposure. A person can withstand 500 rad (unit of radiation exposure) and cockroach - 6400 rad!
Source: www.muz4in.net
via factroom.ru
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