65 Mikhail Boyarsky
Mikhail Boyarsky convinced that the house - a place where rest the soul and body. Family home Boyarskikh Kolpino, where he lived and worked grandfather of the future actor, was destroyed during the years of war and revolution in the country. But Michael decided to recreate the family nest. Now Boyarskikh a luxurious apartment on the Moika in St. Petersburg and the cottage, which attracts children and grandchildren.
"My house - this is my point of rest. I believe that the apartment on the Moika - this is our family nest. In our family, this was the family nest, but the revolution and war wiped from the face of the earth, and I decided to build it again. For me, my house is perfect. We have it all by yourself with Larissa issued, no fashion designers did not trust. They do not know me, everything would be done without a soul "- said" 7 Days "actor.
The house should not be fashionable, but cozy and warm, he is convinced: "We categorically there is no high-tech, only warm classic. I close this style. Like when the house has a fireplace, beautiful dressers, sofas, crystal chandelier. In every thing here is embedded soul ».
Construction of cottages on the site date back to the 70s, was given to Michael and his wife Larissa Luppian easy. A team of builders after another appeared rogues. The house was unfinished, and each new contractor offered to redo it all over again. As a result, cottage turned out not the way it was originally conceived. That, however, does not prevent it from being a favorite place for the whole family.
In every man there is not only good, but also evil, sure Artist: "Initially, people laid negative. In each person two sacks. One little white, small, who all parade - that's what I'm good. And the second in the shower - black, tight. And people never say that it is stored. He himself was afraid to look back, and even at confession is not recognized. And I confess ».
Love - this is a great flash of feelings that are gradually fading. But in their place come the respect and spiritual kinship, convinced the actor: "Love - a gift. It is not given to all. And once I felt it. Love and passion - flash that comes and goes. Higher love I would put friendship. When one shower for two. I have my wife and one soul for two ».
Boyarsky said that the meeting with his future wife was destined by Providence to him: "For the earth is billions of women, and only one - my. My Larissa came from Tashkent. Amazing conflict emerged: our grandfathers worked in a St. Petersburg bank. Their fate has scattered, and then we, their descendants, brought. I'm sure it could not be otherwise. I never thought, "Wow, you fool, you had another brother, not this!". Moment of choice, I have only in the store when you need to buy something. And so, by and large, I believe that parents do not choose, and the women and children. If selected, this is another way to approach life. I rely on the will of the Lord ... ».
Michael believes that marriage is really happening in the heavens, but the stamp in the passport is not critical. Boyarsky himself officially register the relationship would not, joking that the future wife "a hundred times" made him an offer. But if Larissa had not insisted on marriage, they would still remain together, he said.
"We have been divorced since 1985 until 2009 - recognized Boyarsky. - The journalists learned only after the fact. Divorced, to solve the housing problem. Married again to God forbid, if something happens to me, someone said Larissa: "And who do you come to him?". According to most of the papers we have lived life together unreported. But it did not change the essence of our relationship. Larissa has always been my only wife and I her husband ».
Artist ironically notes that one family for life, he managed to create due to my own laziness: "I feel good and beautiful children, and the wife happy. Well, I'll look for? ».
"You could think of yourself some adventure ... But it's all nonsense. All the feelings that I have, I'm exhausted in regards to his wife. I need not new. Especially since they have not been, and there were others. The longer you go with one person, the longer the road, so it is diverse. And if every time to start again its way, it can not go far "- he concludes.
News about the upcoming marriage of his daughter Elizabeth led a fearless midshipman in the confusion.
"I was not ready to give his daughter in marriage - admitted afterwards Boyarsky. - To say "yes"? But I'm almost did not know him. Turn Down? It seems to be no reason. Therefore, thought for a moment and found a convenient formulation: "If Lisa do not mind, I'll be only too happy!».
After this conversation with the actor chosen daughter hesitated a long time: he was not mistaken? Maybe should ask questions: "Where and what are you going to live? How's your money? Do you plan to have children soon? ". However, at the moment, all these questions have popped out of my head Michael.
"Show a strict father did not happen. I'm not ready to meddle in people's lives, not that I'm wise and experienced, to give advice. I wanted them to be happy, that's all. Lisa and Max love each other. What more could you ask for? "- Reflects Boyarsky.
"Recently, I had a grandfather - shared actor in an exclusive interview to" Caravan of stories. " - Live it, I've never seen. Metropolitan Ivanovo and Kineshma Alexander Boyarsky shot back in 1937, long before I was born. He appeared in a hat in a cassock. Very glad to see me, pulled to the side: "Well, what with our family?". So many wanted to tell him! I'm an artist, I have children and grandchildren. He was full of anticipation: now see what was going for his long absence. But then I woke up! ».
The memory of my grandfather has always been alive in his family, says Boyarsky. Despite the tragic end of his life, about Alexander Ivanovich had not remained bitter and sweet memories. "The stories of his father were so bright and alive, that there was a feeling that I remember how my grandfather keeps me on my knees. Cheerful, with a beard ... ».
The actor says that the family since childhood was the rod of his life: "Most of the time I spent with her family. Not in school, not with your friends, but at home, in the family. Boyars helped each other food, the kids were seated in one car and then sent to the country, in the village. And survived by reciprocity ».
"Until now, I am a cog, brick family Boyarsky, do not take yourself away from the foundation - said Michael. - I regret that the founders and the founder of the dynasty had already left. But the young twigs are constantly emerging in our family tree ».
"Family and love - the basis of all - sure Boyarsky. - It is interesting to observe the progress of my children, granddaughter and grandson. I do, it is important to devote time mother because really something which I did not get in my life, so it is family communication. Catch at least for the grandchildren to see enough of them ».