Traditions on the Day of Archistratig Michael

For a long time, people have been praying to the Archangel Michael, asking him for protection from sorrow, deprivation and other misfortunes. People believed that the Archangel Michael will protect and protect, because he is the embodiment of absolute goodness. That is why people worship Michael’s Day. This holiday is also called The Cathedral of Archangel Michael and other disembodied forces, it is celebrated on November 21.


The holiday began to be celebrated in 360. The date of the cathedral was not chosen by chance. About this, as well as about the prohibitions, traditions and history of this holiday "Site" I'll tell you today.

Michael’s Day is 2020, so why was this day chosen? November was the ninth month after the New Year, which was celebrated in March at the time. The number nine represents the number of angels.

At the same time, the eighth day of November (in the old style) meant the Council of all heavenly forces due to the approach of the Last Judgment. According to legend, it is the archangel Michael who must inform humanity of the coming of this day and fulfill the role of that very judge.

Archangel Michael is considered a warrior, a defender of light and good. On icons and frescoes, he is often depicted in a bright colored garment, with wings widely spread behind his back. In his right hand he has a flaming sword or spear, and in his left date branch he tramples on the devil with his feet. This formidable image instilled fear and awe, the soldiers considered the archangel their patron.


People turn to Archistratig Michael primarily with requests for protection. He also prays for health and healing from illness. Archangel Michael is the victor of evil spirits, which are considered the sources of disease. Therefore, it is necessary to pray and ask the archangel for health.

Our ancestors believed that when thunder thunder thunders, the archangel fights evil, wherever evil hides, his arrow will reach everywhere. He was also called the protector of the souls of the dead, because he helps them to be transported to heaven from the world of the living. It was Michael who carried the souls of the Virgin and Abraham to heaven. Armed with a sword, he guards the gates of paradise.

This day was celebrated by our ancestors on a large scale. Mikhailov Day is the last autumn holiday. All the autumn work was finally completed, people had already prepared for the winter and could afford to have fun from the heart. There were great festivities with songs and dances, as well as generous feasts. It was believed that on this day you can not deny yourself anything.

Of course, now such festivities are no longer arranged, but some of the customs and traditions remain today. For example, it is very important on this day to go to church, pray and light a candle. If this is not possible, just pray to Michael for intercession. He can be asked to heal any wounds, physical or mental. The archangel will fulfill all requests.

Even on this day it is customary to take care of neighbors. If you have the opportunity to help someone, to do something good, don’t put it off. The most important thing is that it is a sincere emotional impulse. Michael is just, he appreciates those who help others, and rewards them according to their merits.

That is why on this day it was forbidden to refuse to help anyone. In the morning I was supposed to go to church, and then give alms to the poor. You can help in any way, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes even a heart-to-heart conversation can help a person. Talk to your loved ones on this day and support them.

It is forbidden to work on Mikhailov day. Of course, it is only about physical work. It is best to give up all household chores and arrange a day off. It is strictly forbidden to cut with an axe, cut with a knife, sew and do other things for which you need to use sharp objects.


Also on this day it is forbidden to quarrel and conflict with others. Try not to argue or raise your voice. This day is good for ending conflicts and forgiving long-standing grievances. You can’t do anything for your own benefit.

Weather on Michael Day It is very important, because it is possible to make predictions for the future. When I was a kid, my grandmother said, Michael came on a white horse this year. I didn’t quite understand then, and she explained that they say that when it snows in the morning in Mikhailov. This was considered a very good sign and meant that now winter is coming into its own, and snow promises a rich harvest next year.


Folk signs
  1. If in the morning on the branches of frost, then soon it is worth waiting for big snowfalls.
  2. If there is a thick fog in the morning, then wait for the thaw.
  3. Since Michael's day, winter has been forging.
  4. If the weather is clear, the winter will be frosty.
  5. With Michael, winter is not worth it, it does not freeze.


That’s all I wanted to say about this holiday. It does not matter if you believe in signs, the most important thing is to be sincere in your intentions and to pray to the Archangel Michael.

The clergy say that for the life of our body we need food, and to maintain the life of the soul – spiritual food. Prayer is spiritual food for us. We recently wrote about why prayer is so important and how to pray.

Mikhailov Day is the last autumn holiday. Next, winter will enter its rights and December will begin, which is rightfully considered a special month. Earlier, we shared with you a special prayer for December, which will help to implement all the plans.

What horse did Michael come to see you on? Share it in the comments.


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