How to make delicious chicken rolls in the oven
Ukrainian cuisine is famous for a variety of dishes, especially meat. Meat rolls with filling, which at least once, but cooked every hostess, is a national Ukrainian dish, which is called twirls or curls, is prepared for a relatively short time, and guests like it so much that the hostess has to cook a double portion at once.
On the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, we found Recipe for the most delicious and easy to cookThey will be loved by your family and guests. The most delicate meat with filling and incredibly fragrant gravy, which at least eat a spoon!
Chicken roulette recipe You have to be in every housewife’s pocket! Succulent, unusually tender, melting in the mouth, "Site" will tell you how to prepare real Ukrainian sprouts under the fragrant gravy of white mushrooms. That's what they eat in Hutsul cradles!
Chicken Roulettes in the Oven Ingredients
In the old days, roasters were cooked mainly from pork and served at the table on big holidays. In modern interpretation, appetizing diner roulettes can be made from any kind of meat, and treat them all year round! We are sure that our universal recipe will not be lost in the cookbook, but will become your calling card and help you meet guests with dignity.
On the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, we found Recipe for the most delicious and easy to cookThey will be loved by your family and guests. The most delicate meat with filling and incredibly fragrant gravy, which at least eat a spoon!

Chicken roulette recipe You have to be in every housewife’s pocket! Succulent, unusually tender, melting in the mouth, "Site" will tell you how to prepare real Ukrainian sprouts under the fragrant gravy of white mushrooms. That's what they eat in Hutsul cradles!
Chicken Roulettes in the Oven Ingredients
- 4 chicken fillets
- 2 eggs
- 50g dried white mushrooms
- 1 bulb
- 1 tbsp flour
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 tbsp of fatty cream or sour cream
- salt, pepper to taste
- green
- fryer
- First, prepare the meat. Cut the fillet thinly and hit it well. To work with meat was even easier, you can pre-put it in the freezer and slightly freeze. Salami chops, peppers and leave for 1-2 hours to marinate.
- Dried mushrooms pour a small amount of water, put on the fire and let it boil for 3-5 minutes. Take the mushrooms out of the water, and do not pour the resulting broth - it will be suitable for cooking gravy.
DepositPhotos - Saldi eggs to taste, beat with a corolla, add a little crushed greens and a small amount of sliced mushrooms. Roast an omelet in vegetable oil on both sides.
DepositPhotos - The finished omelet is cooled, cut in strips and carefully lay out on each piece of broken chicken fillet.
- The next trick will save you from fussing with threads and toothpicks! To keep the rolls perfect shape, just wrap each in foil (preferably two layers), like candy, carefully wrapping the edges.
- Send the rolls to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Some housewives roast the vegetable oil rolls right in the foil, it takes 10 minutes for the chicken meat to cook.
- The finished rolls were extracted from the foil, and the juice that collected inside during cooking, in no case pour - this is one of the ingredients of future gravy.
- It's time to make gravy! Onions and the remaining mushrooms are cut into small cubes. On vegetable oil, roast the onions until transparency, add mushrooms and sweat for a few minutes. Add the flour, mix it thoroughly.
- Add a mushroom broth and meat juice to the pan. When the gravy begins to thicken, add finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. After 5 minutes, pour cream or sour cream into the pan and tomi sauce for another 5 minutes. Gravy is ready!
- If you cook for a large company and want to surprise guests with a spectacular serve, carefully fold the spikes in a baking form, pour gravy, cover with foil and send them to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. If you are cooking a simple dinner, add the spindles to the pan with gravy and stew for 10 minutes under the lid. It’s not so good, but it’s just as good!
In the old days, roasters were cooked mainly from pork and served at the table on big holidays. In modern interpretation, appetizing diner roulettes can be made from any kind of meat, and treat them all year round! We are sure that our universal recipe will not be lost in the cookbook, but will become your calling card and help you meet guests with dignity.