How did the "Ghostbusters" 30 years later

1. Bill Murray (Peter Venkman)
Interesting fact: the role of Peter Venkmana was originally written for John Belushi, but the actor did not have time to play it, untimely death. Before the role was Bill Murray, the image of this character trying on many applicants. By the way, contrary to popular belief, Peter Murray became Venkmanom not due to the failure of Michael Keaton to play this role.

2. Dan Aykroyd (Raymond Stents)
Interesting fact: The original title of the film, the author of the script which was itself Aykroyd, sounded like "destroyer of ghosts».

3. Ernie Hudson (Winston Zedmor)
Interesting fact: when Hudson got the part, he lived in Los Angeles, growing up alone son. No less interesting, but annoying for the actor fact: Hudson missed the opportunity to voice his character in the movie "Ghostbusters." Voice Zedmoru it gave Arsenio Hall.

4. Sigourney Weaver (Dana Beretta)
Interesting fact: in the scene where Dana is possessed by a demon Zuul for Weaver gruff voice pronounces words the film's director Reitman.

5. Rick Moranis (Louis Tully)
Interesting fact: the role of Louis originally prepared for John Candy, but he rejected the offer filmmakers. Moranis is brought to the role of the few bright memorable improvisations, which include his question: "Okay, who brought the dog?»

6. Annie Potts (Janine Melnitts)

Interesting fact: Potts somehow shared the concerns that Janine, her character could now lead the firm to control pests and live with 17 cats at the Jersey shore.
Harold Ramis, who played Eagon Spengler, alas, died earlier this year, so this set is not represented.
Source: fishki.net