35 years later

Vladimir Konkin - Sharapov.

Natasha Danilova - Varia Sinichkina.
35 years ago, with Sharapova on a bench in the garden of the Moscow «Hermitage».

Tatyana Tkach - Anya, Fox's girlfriend.

Arina Sharapova, Nikita Vysotsky, Svetlana Svetlichnaya

Svetlana Svetlichnaya

Kohl Taraskin

Nina Ozornina

Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Andrew Castle (Kohl Taraskin), Nina Ozornina (barmaid at the restaurant «Astoria»).

Natasha Krachkovskaya - singer in the movie theater.

"We were both:
 - I - at the pharmacy ...
 - And I was looking for you in the movies.
So, tomorrow,
Ha the same place at the same hour! »

Nina Kornienko - Shura neighbor Sharapova

 - Gleb, rodimenky, but where is it you'll find something gangster face ...

Source: sadalskij.livejournal.com