Jump from a height of 41 kilometers, a record Baumgartner beat Google vice president
Nice to live not forbid: 57-year-old senior vice president of Google's Alan Eustace broke the record for высотного jump Felix Baumgartner, jumping from a height of 41 kilometers above the desert in New Mexico, not far from the Розуэлла.
Full video about the rise and the jump you can see на Online New York Times i>
He surpassed the record of Baumgartner's almost 2, 5 km (41,419 vs. 38,969 meters). As Baumgartner, during the fall he broke the sound barrier, reaching speeds of 800 miles / hour (about 1300 km / h or 358 m / s) - becoming the second person to do this without the use of a vehicle.
This jump is already described in the "Wikipedia". According to her, the preparation took him three years: in 2011 the company Paragon Space Development developed the life-support system that would allow Yustasuchistym breathe oxygen under pressure during lifting and jumping.
The jump took place in the early morning of Friday, 24 October. The ascent began with an abandoned highway in the vicinity of the famous town of Roswell, New Mexico.
Eustace before lifting (in costume) i>
The ascent into the stratosphere took him 2 hours jump back - just 15 minutes.
Let's go! I>
According to Eustace, he cotton by passing the sound barrier has not heard - but it was heard by observers.
Unlike Baumgartner, Eustace had a normal job is not the reputation of extreme, but in his spare time he flies dvuhmotornouyu "Cessna».
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Source: geektimes.ru/post/240656/
Full video about the rise and the jump you can see на Online New York Times i>
He surpassed the record of Baumgartner's almost 2, 5 km (41,419 vs. 38,969 meters). As Baumgartner, during the fall he broke the sound barrier, reaching speeds of 800 miles / hour (about 1300 km / h or 358 m / s) - becoming the second person to do this without the use of a vehicle.
This jump is already described in the "Wikipedia". According to her, the preparation took him three years: in 2011 the company Paragon Space Development developed the life-support system that would allow Yustasuchistym breathe oxygen under pressure during lifting and jumping.
The jump took place in the early morning of Friday, 24 October. The ascent began with an abandoned highway in the vicinity of the famous town of Roswell, New Mexico.
Eustace before lifting (in costume) i>
The ascent into the stratosphere took him 2 hours jump back - just 15 minutes.
Let's go! I>
According to Eustace, he cotton by passing the sound barrier has not heard - but it was heard by observers.
Unlike Baumgartner, Eustace had a normal job is not the reputation of extreme, but in his spare time he flies dvuhmotornouyu "Cessna».
[ offer andorro news ]
Source: geektimes.ru/post/240656/
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