Jump Fearless Felix
Felix Baumgartner (Felix Baumgartner), as you may recall, a year ago set a world record height at which jumped a man with a parachute. The network has the video captured from the multicamera spetsskafandra jumping.
Recall that the Austrian Felix Baumgartner (Felix Baumgartner) jumped to a record high of 39 kilometers, 14 October 2012, and landed safely on Earth. The maximum speed of the fall champion exceeded the speed of sound and has made 1342 8 kilometers per hour. The record lasted 42 years. In establishing a new record I attended his previous "carrier" Kittindzher Joe (Joe Kittinger). Let's see the video itself.
Recall that the Austrian Felix Baumgartner (Felix Baumgartner) jumped to a record high of 39 kilometers, 14 October 2012, and landed safely on Earth. The maximum speed of the fall champion exceeded the speed of sound and has made 1342 8 kilometers per hour. The record lasted 42 years. In establishing a new record I attended his previous "carrier" Kittindzher Joe (Joe Kittinger). Let's see the video itself.