As a "Matilda" was carrying the weight of the turbine 308 tons
Tagil is famous not only for its uncompromising rest ... It is also one of the nuclear centers in Russia. Not far from there is the city of Yekaterinburg, Novouralsk CATF, where since 1949 works Ural Electrochemical Plant for uranium enrichment.
Next to the plant is located in Upper Tagil, where in 1951 began construction of the state district power plant design capacity of 1,600 MW. The program of technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the station was developed for 2012-2016. To complete its German concern Siemens has made a gas turbine and a generator.
First, the generator was delivered weighing 328 tons. And now completed delivery of the turbine weighing 308 tons. I had a chance to shoot a small piece of this interesting route.
21 photos
Delivery of one unit load takes about 9-10 days. Road train rides every day from 20 to 50 kilometers. Depending on the complexity, it takes up to 15 hours. Early in the morning we arrived at a certain point in the road where the trailer was stopped at night. Depending on traffic sometimes go at night and sleep during the day. But now stay a night. As part of the train has everything you need for an overnight stay in the field - vahtovki sleeping and kitchen.
Articulated vehicle is a 32-axial structure, equipped with a "lodge Greiner", which are mounted and heavy loads.
In the firing position the bed tracks relief road, its fluctuations and rolls, all the while exposing themselves hydraulically into the horizon.
The load on each axle - 15 tons. Each axis is independent and turns.
Its length is 104 meters. As I said, the weight of the generator for a gas turbine 328 tons, gas turbine - 308 tons. Along with the weight of the road train close to 400 tons.
The maximum capacity of the system - 500 tons. The function of the hydraulic expansion of the farm provides stowage with a width up to 5600 mm.
Lifting and lowering function allows you to overcome the obstacles to high-altitude minimum transport height close to the height of the load. For this transport trailer has been assembled in the maximum configuration.
Total in Europe operated three such installations. In Russia - it is the only one. And it is all orders, including those from Europe. First and foremost, the operators need - the people who run it. That sixth sense and experience to understand and know how to drive this or that area. According to the master, the professional training of the operator takes about 10 years.
Many headaches added fastening system of the turbine. The fact that, for its installation need lower transverse beam 30 centimeters in height. Siemens engineers have categorically refused to alter the bed of the turbine to hang it on the consoles. As a result, because of the dead had a height of 30 centimeters to disassemble one bridge - it was impossible to overtake, and height did not fit a little bit. Many other problems brought those extra 30 cm. Along the route.
The narrow road is closed all. And if counter traffic goes right, after passing train, then rides him passing 10-15 kilometers. It is not done to stop passing cars.
And so every day for a week ... then return to the turbine and drive her to the generator. And then the new tasks and new loads.
Articulated not self-propelled (although there are also self-propelled units). For his movement involving three tractor ballast of 30 tons - two in front and one behind.
In special cases, a self-propelled cargo customize the platform by eight axes. It allows you to unload more each axle. And spread the load on a greater area when traveling bridges.
After a successful stress test in Germany trailer called "Matilda". On the whole 337 kilometer route has been developed a detailed plan. Investigations road bridges. The special program rehearsed all maneuvers train.
The crew of the train glad that snow had to leave Chusovoi: "There are ups that are already covered by ice that we probably would not have coped. A rise of one semigradusny we overcame a few hours in dry weather. Six tractor-trailer could haul up the hill.
The bed, the platform after surgery disassembled and loaded onto trailers.
Even trucks are transported to a place not their own. It was too expensive because of their race.
Forced to stop. DPS Sverdlovsk region for some reason does not give the green light to continue to follow the route.
Next to the plant is located in Upper Tagil, where in 1951 began construction of the state district power plant design capacity of 1,600 MW. The program of technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the station was developed for 2012-2016. To complete its German concern Siemens has made a gas turbine and a generator.
First, the generator was delivered weighing 328 tons. And now completed delivery of the turbine weighing 308 tons. I had a chance to shoot a small piece of this interesting route.
21 photos

Delivery of one unit load takes about 9-10 days. Road train rides every day from 20 to 50 kilometers. Depending on the complexity, it takes up to 15 hours. Early in the morning we arrived at a certain point in the road where the trailer was stopped at night. Depending on traffic sometimes go at night and sleep during the day. But now stay a night. As part of the train has everything you need for an overnight stay in the field - vahtovki sleeping and kitchen.

Articulated vehicle is a 32-axial structure, equipped with a "lodge Greiner", which are mounted and heavy loads.

In the firing position the bed tracks relief road, its fluctuations and rolls, all the while exposing themselves hydraulically into the horizon.

The load on each axle - 15 tons. Each axis is independent and turns.

Its length is 104 meters. As I said, the weight of the generator for a gas turbine 328 tons, gas turbine - 308 tons. Along with the weight of the road train close to 400 tons.

The maximum capacity of the system - 500 tons. The function of the hydraulic expansion of the farm provides stowage with a width up to 5600 mm.

Lifting and lowering function allows you to overcome the obstacles to high-altitude minimum transport height close to the height of the load. For this transport trailer has been assembled in the maximum configuration.

Total in Europe operated three such installations. In Russia - it is the only one. And it is all orders, including those from Europe. First and foremost, the operators need - the people who run it. That sixth sense and experience to understand and know how to drive this or that area. According to the master, the professional training of the operator takes about 10 years.

Many headaches added fastening system of the turbine. The fact that, for its installation need lower transverse beam 30 centimeters in height. Siemens engineers have categorically refused to alter the bed of the turbine to hang it on the consoles. As a result, because of the dead had a height of 30 centimeters to disassemble one bridge - it was impossible to overtake, and height did not fit a little bit. Many other problems brought those extra 30 cm. Along the route.
The narrow road is closed all. And if counter traffic goes right, after passing train, then rides him passing 10-15 kilometers. It is not done to stop passing cars.

And so every day for a week ... then return to the turbine and drive her to the generator. And then the new tasks and new loads.

Articulated not self-propelled (although there are also self-propelled units). For his movement involving three tractor ballast of 30 tons - two in front and one behind.

In special cases, a self-propelled cargo customize the platform by eight axes. It allows you to unload more each axle. And spread the load on a greater area when traveling bridges.

After a successful stress test in Germany trailer called "Matilda". On the whole 337 kilometer route has been developed a detailed plan. Investigations road bridges. The special program rehearsed all maneuvers train.

The crew of the train glad that snow had to leave Chusovoi: "There are ups that are already covered by ice that we probably would not have coped. A rise of one semigradusny we overcame a few hours in dry weather. Six tractor-trailer could haul up the hill.

The bed, the platform after surgery disassembled and loaded onto trailers.

Even trucks are transported to a place not their own. It was too expensive because of their race.

Forced to stop. DPS Sverdlovsk region for some reason does not give the green light to continue to follow the route.