In August this year was presented to the program for the development of the Crimea

It said that the peninsula are planning to transfer to ekofermerskoe economy. This will affect the cultivation of organic products without harmful additives.
In order to turn this project into practice, this program will be held in conjunction business and the state.
The main idea of the program is to grow food without the use of harmful additives in fertilizers, plant protection from insects, etc. Instead, they will use environmentally raw materials. Some sites have long engaged in the implementation of environmental plant protection products, such as www.fermer-market.com.ua/catalog/902 .
That the program was launched, it is necessary to prepare the infrastructure. Will deal with the state, together with entrepreneurs. They need to prepare a special zone with its own infrastructure, which will be different for each individual farm.
The use of organic crop production will allow to grow ecological vegetables, fruit, oil plants, vines, herbs and beans. This is a new page in the history of agriculture. Choose the right!