Gen. Vietnamese fishermen

My attention was attracted by a group of people on the shore.

Coming closer, I saw that the fishermen returned from a night of fishing. Fishermen in Vietnam go to sea fishing at night and come back to the shore only in the morning. It's small boats. On these boats fishermen just put the network and wait until they will fall fish.

From tens of meters networks fishermen pulled out his poor catch. In doing so, they help their wives and children.

Catch mostly small, but sometimes come across large fry

A huge network. Fold it must be careful not to confuse.

In this picture, most of all I liked the dog. It briskly walked ahead of the boat while fishing family pulled her to shore.

Dave, like, caught a huge fish and boasts a catch :) It was his first trip and immediately successful :)

Note the construction of boats. Hemisphere with motor and board. It's very simple. People on the left in the picture is not fishermen, and my colleagues :) Though they are from Vietnam, but it was also very interesting to observe the work of the fishermen.

In these huts fishermen resting after a night of fishing.

The catch is sorted, stacked network, fishermen are resting. In the evening they again go into the sea.

Source: vincent-vega-13.livejournal.com