Unmanned flying over the North Sea
RWTH Aachen involved in the project DHL unmanned aerial means between the island and the mainland Juist. Unmanned multicopter used to deliver drugs to the island for tourists and residents. The device weighs 5 pounds completed a series of initial tests.
The project is Professor Dieter Moormann and his team from the Institute of flight dynamics systems in the RWTH Aachen (Institute of Flight Systems Dynamics). Before the first flight in September, it was necessary to ensure the safety of flight operations and technical capabilities huge number of authorities and the Ministry of Transport of Lower Saxony. It was necessary to cover the distance of 12 km with often fog and variable winds. "Those responsible for the project, the authorities and, most importantly, she Lower Saxony accompany and support the project despite initial skepticism," says Professor Moormann.
Wide experience of the University in unmanned aerial systems certainly contributed to this. For example, developed a special flying system for measuring the intensity of radiation in the event of an accident at a nuclear power plant, around the station, and the ability to give information to the site of the accident.
Project operations on the island raises some new questions: the choice of places to take off and landing air corridor for security issues and a radio alarm system to control the drone.
At the same time carried out the work on the technical details: flight modes with the lowest energy consumption, reaction multicopter turbulence and the goal, despite the possible bad weather conditions.
Constant contact with ground control h4> Software drone was changed on the basis of the analysis of simulation was created through the data channel radio over uninhabited territory. Usually drones fly with visual inspection, which means that the pilot controls it at a distance of 400 meters. However, the project involved programming drone drone on dvenadtsatikilometrovy independent flight with further planting. As the copter is not equipped with a camera he always sends flight information. It is obtained by ground control (in this case, a special car with the equipment). Responsible pilot who controls the drone, can interfere with the unpredictable situation and decide whether or not the copter back or he must fly to the emergency landing site.
The project is Professor Dieter Moormann and his team from the Institute of flight dynamics systems in the RWTH Aachen (Institute of Flight Systems Dynamics). Before the first flight in September, it was necessary to ensure the safety of flight operations and technical capabilities huge number of authorities and the Ministry of Transport of Lower Saxony. It was necessary to cover the distance of 12 km with often fog and variable winds. "Those responsible for the project, the authorities and, most importantly, she Lower Saxony accompany and support the project despite initial skepticism," says Professor Moormann.
Wide experience of the University in unmanned aerial systems certainly contributed to this. For example, developed a special flying system for measuring the intensity of radiation in the event of an accident at a nuclear power plant, around the station, and the ability to give information to the site of the accident.
Project operations on the island raises some new questions: the choice of places to take off and landing air corridor for security issues and a radio alarm system to control the drone.
At the same time carried out the work on the technical details: flight modes with the lowest energy consumption, reaction multicopter turbulence and the goal, despite the possible bad weather conditions.
Constant contact with ground control h4> Software drone was changed on the basis of the analysis of simulation was created through the data channel radio over uninhabited territory. Usually drones fly with visual inspection, which means that the pilot controls it at a distance of 400 meters. However, the project involved programming drone drone on dvenadtsatikilometrovy independent flight with further planting. As the copter is not equipped with a camera he always sends flight information. It is obtained by ground control (in this case, a special car with the equipment). Responsible pilot who controls the drone, can interfere with the unpredictable situation and decide whether or not the copter back or he must fly to the emergency landing site.
Drone tests conducted DHL Paket, showed that an unmanned drone to transport packages - reliable and convenient for emergency care. Such situations arise in the case of failure to ferry due to ice or low tide, as well as in cases where the rescue helicopters can not fly because of darkness or fog.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/238731/
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