Dramatic video seized motorcycles and ATVs.

Dramatic video seized motorcycles and ATVs were issued to alert drivers to be responsible on the road.

Police Bradford hopes that kind of crushed vehicles will deter young motorists and motorcyclists from reckless driving and traffic violations.

Press secretary of the detachment of police said that no matter how much the car, it will be destroyed, "It does not matter if the car is worth 50 or £ 3,000 - it will still eventually turn into a cube of scrap if he irresponsibly used owner ».

Sergeant Jonathan Best, who heads a team of traffic police Bradford added: "We will continue to select vehicles racers throughout the area».

The vehicles that were seized from the owners sorted into two categories - the salvation of the vehicle or scrap. Motorcycle those which must be destroyed in the discarded big hydraulic press. Others vehicles that can not be destroyed, then sold to new owners.

Footage of dozens of motorcycles and ATVs, before they are destroyed. Motorcycles that are selected to be scrapped, placed in a hydraulic press that flattens them into a small cube of metal.
This approach to the fight against violators of traffic rules and fans of fast driving seems pretty drastic, but it is probably the most effective.
Source: terraoko.com
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