We must follow the example of the Finns
As you know, the Soviet Union three times in the last century had shlestnutsya with small but proud country of Finland. Finns are good hunters and loggers, very well and showed themselves as warriors. During the Second World War on the Karelian Front from 1942 to 1944, relative calm prevailed, was trench warfare, and the Russian, Finnish and buried deep in the ground. Thus the soldiers tried to secure a maximum of comfort, which was only possible in those conditions. The basic material for the construction and rukozhopstva been naturally tree. What the Finns built and how it looked 70 years ago - 25 photographs from the Finnish military archives below.
Burrow and carefully camouflaged
Most of the buildings had their own names - so quickly to throw to the right place, in which case
Breakfast in nature
Dugout inside
The command post

Burrow and carefully camouflaged

Most of the buildings had their own names - so quickly to throw to the right place, in which case

Breakfast in nature

Dugout inside

The command post
