Cloud fantasy
Let's go back a bit in childhood. Who has not looked at the clouds, as a young and not knowing whom resembles its form another cloud? Sure did almost everything. Otherwise, what kind of childhood.
Say even more secret, some of us continue to do this in a fairly serious age. What can I say? It's just wonderful. So somewhere in the depths we are still living with the shebutnoy mischievous twinkle in his eye. And now, let's talk about the project «Shaping Clouds». Its author is a copywriter Martin Fahey Spanish (Martín Feijoo), who in his spare time dreams about clouds, dorisovyvaya details in photos and transforming the cloud into real objects.
Say even more secret, some of us continue to do this in a fairly serious age. What can I say? It's just wonderful. So somewhere in the depths we are still living with the shebutnoy mischievous twinkle in his eye. And now, let's talk about the project «Shaping Clouds». Its author is a copywriter Martin Fahey Spanish (Martín Feijoo), who in his spare time dreams about clouds, dorisovyvaya details in photos and transforming the cloud into real objects.