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How are things going with solar heating in Russia

In the world currently employs more than 140 million m2 of solar collectors.

Most of them built in China – 59 %, in second place Europe – 14 %. Solar collectors produces 186 large firms in 41 countries.

In the first decade of the XXI century in the world were installed solar systems with a total area of 7 million m2, the total installed thermal capacity of 5 thousand MW·h including in China – 1.95 million m2 (28,3 %), Germany – 1.35 million m2 (19,7 %), Turkey – 0.7 million (10.1 percent). The current state of development of solar technology was presented at the world exhibition "Intersolar" (Munich, Germany).

Equipment and technologies exhibited 862 firms, including 133 – solar collectors, 23 – absorbing panel.

The Russian leadership made the first steps in the development of energy supply based on renewable energy sources (RES). By presidential decree № 889 "On some measures to improve energy and economic efficiency of Russian economy", government resolution No. 426 "About qualification of generating object, functioning on the basis of use of renewable energy sources" given instructions to the relevant ministries on the development of energy from renewable energy resources. By order of the government of the Russian Federation No. 1-p approved main directions of state policy in the sphere of energy efficiency of power industry based on renewable energy for the period up to 2020.

The concept of a technical policy in electric power industry of Russia until 2030, developed by OAO RAO "UES of Russia", has a section on the use of renewable energy. According to the forecast of the Institute of energy strategy, the total installed capacity of power sources in Russia will amount to 18.2 GW. The share of individual RES types in this volume should be the subject of further research. At the level of the expert estimates the area of solar collectors is estimated to be 10 million m2.

Currently, the total area of solar power plants operating in Russia is about 15 thousand m2. The state policy of development of solar heating is absent. Unlike foreign countries in Russia, the specialists in solar engineering are not grouped, even on a voluntary basis. Research and construction of solar power plants is conducted at the initiative of individual specialists. Unlike the Soviet Union existed in the system of RES development in Russia has not yet developed conceptual approaches to reinstate it.
The recognized Russian leader of solar technology was doctor of technical Sciences Boris Vladimirovich Chernigivski. They developed the basic methodological approaches, the requirements to constructions of solar collectors, theoretical issues the solar industry, prepared dozens of candidates and doctors of technical Sciences, one of which is the author of this article.

Doctor of technical Sciences Pavel p. Bezrukikh in Soviet times, has led the development of energy supply based on renewable energy. On his initiative, several large factories were producing solar collectors, was built the largest solar. They researched and developed the critical issues of renewable energy development.

The basis of all developments of solar systems – accurate values of solar radiation. In Moscow, the research in this direction by specialists of the joint Institute for high temperatures (joint Institute for high temperatures Russian Academy of Sciences) and Moscow state University under the guidance of doctor of technical Sciences Oleg S. Popel. They work on the electronic Atlas of solar radiation in Russia. The basis of our research specialists JIHT RAS – a computer database of the American "NASA", MSU – Swiss database "Meteonorm". In Krasnodar similar studies are complemented by processing long-term observations of regional weather stations on the basis of which the relevant values of direct, diffuse and total solar radiation for the 54 cities and towns in Krasnodar Krai.

Currently in Russia there are two test stand for field studies of solar collectors and solar systems in Moscow (JIHT RAS) and Vladivostok (Institute of marine technology problems (MPPI), far Eastern branch of RAS).
Developing designs of flat solar collectors in accordance with the Russian standards of manufacture commercial batches by specialists in Moscow, Kovrov, Ulan-Ude, Kaminski-oral. Solar collectors are European quality batches of 100 units per month produces NPO Mashinostroyenia (Reutov, Moscow. region) under the leadership of candidate of technical Sciences Nikolai Vladimirovich Dudarev. The basis of this design SK – fin aluminum absorption panel with high efficiency selective coating. In the first decade of XXI century the basic Russian manufacturer of SK (5000 pieces) was the Kovrov mechanical plant, where, under the leadership of Adolf A. Lychagina produced is optimal for the Russian market design of the IC and an absorbing panel made of brass tubes and steel fins. Currently, the issue of SK according to the manufacturer discontinued. In Ulan-Ude Centre of energy efficient technologies under the leadership of Gennady Pavlovich Kasatkina nine years risers with absorbing panels made of copper (lithotripsie) and polypropylene. Total produced about 1800 pieces. the Area of each IC of about 2 m2. Prototypes of SK and solar systems based on them with absorbing panels made of polypropylene and a transparent cover of polycarbonate made in Moscow JIHT RAS under the guidance of Professor O. S. Popel. Kamensk-Uralsky metallurgical plant in the Sverdlovsk region released the pilot batch of SK shtampovannye with aluminium absorbing panels.

The development of the projects of solar installations carried out by specialists of the Krasnodar, Rostov, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok. In Krasnodar is made and implemented dozens of projects of solar installations of hot water daily capacity of from 1 to 20 m2, ten solar-fuel boilers, including Combi, solar energy driven pumps from the PV modules, combined plants using solar, geothermal and heat pumps.

Projects of solar power plants in Rostovteploelectroproject (Rostov-on-don) directs the Ph. D. Adolf A. Cherniavsky. This Institute developed and implemented heating solar power plant high mountain astrophysical Observatory in Karachay-Cherkessia, solar hot water on the coast of the Black sea projects of solar-fuel boiler-houses of large capacity. A feature of the projects implemented by CEPT in Ulan-Ude under the supervision of G. P. Kasatkina is the establishment of energy active buildings, when absorbing panel IC integrated into the design of the roof or exterior walls of buildings. TAFT also developed and implemented dozens of projects of heating, hot water solar systems, including solar air collectors.

The development and construction of solar power plants in the far East in the laboratory, alternative energy MPPI far East RAS was headed by Alexander Volkov. A feature of these developments was the wide use of vacuum SC.
The construction of solar power plants is carried out mainly in three regions of Russia: Krasnodar Krai, Buryatia, in the Russian far East (Primorsky Krai, Khabarovsk region). In the Krasnodar region 102 of the built solar plants with a total area of 5000 m2. Figure 1 presents the structure of these plants. Most of them are built for boarding houses and sanatoriums (63 PCs), with a total area of 2550 m2. Figure 2 shows the solar power plant 9-storey hotel Platan in Krasnodar area of 140 m2, figure 3 — single-contour solar-fuel boiler-house in the towns of Thessaloniki (Sochi) area of 210 m2, figure 4 – double-circuit solar-fuel boiler-house in the village of Starovelichkovskaya area of 150 m2. In Buryatia built 86 solar power plants with a total area of 3660 m2 (figure 5). Figure 6 shows the solar power plant of the hotel "Baikal" in Ulan-Ude of 150 m2, in figure 7 – solar power plant hot water and heating of residential houses in the suburbs of Ulan-Ude with absorbing panels of copper and polypropylene in figure 8 – air heating store solar power plant in Ulan-Ude. In the far East built solar heating systems with flat SK, and the vacuum produced in China. Figure 9 shows a solar power plant with a flat SC with an area of 105 m2 administrative building in Vladivostok, in figure 10 – construction of solar power plant of 400 m2 with a vacuum SK village "Golden valley" near Khabarovsk.

Figure 1 – Structure of solar power plants in Krasnodar Krai

Figure 2 – solar thermal system domestic hot water of the hotel Platan in Krasnodar

Figure 3 – Solar-fuel boiler-house in the village of Olginka (Krasnodar)
Figure 4 – Solar-fuel boiler-house in the village of Starovelichkovskaya
Figure 5 – Structure of solar systems of Buryatia

Figure 6 – solar station of the hotel "Baikal" in the suburbs of Ulan-Ude
Figure 7 – solar power plant residential houses in the suburbs of Ulan-Ude
Figure 8 – Air solar power plant store in Ulan-Ude
Figure 9 – solar power plant administrative building in Vladivostok

Figure 10 – solar power plant village "Golden valley" near Khabarovsk in view of the foregoing we can draw the following conclusions:
— In the world of rapidly developing solar heating. In the first decade of the XXI century built a solar power plant with a total area of 7 million m2;
The Russian leadership made the first steps in the development of energy saving by using renewable energy sources;
— Instead destroyed the Soviet system of development of solar heating are not even created its public counterpart, the work is done on the initiative of individual professionals and teams;
— In Moscow and Krasnodar conducting research on the creation of databases of values of solar radiation, the technical solutions of solar installations;
— Necessary adjustments to existing state standards for the equipment of solar power plants;
— Solar collectors are developed and produced in small batches in factories in Moscow region (Reutov), Ulan-Ude (CAPT), Kaminska-oral.
— Solar systems in Russia are based mainly in three regions: Krasnodar Krai, Buryatia and the far East.

Source: alternativenergy.ru