7 reasons to start knitting
It turns out that knitting has incredible benefits for your health. It makes you feel better. Several studies have shown, a wide range of illnesses, which knitting helps humans cope, physically and mentally
.1. Knitting is used for therapy. It is a powerful tool that helps people to manage long-term physical pain. For those who are depressed knitting can motivate them to connect with the world. It's a way to start a conversation, allowing people to interact politely without making eye contact. Knitting builds confidence and self-esteem.
2. Knitting is supremely relaxing, which is extremely important for reducing stress and anxiety. Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the medical Institute of mind / body at Harvard University, described the principle of relaxation, in which he recommends to repeat the word, sound, phrase, prayer, or muscular aktivnost to reveal "the response" — reducing heart rate, muscle tension, and blood pressure. Knitting is likened to meditation, sometimes described by knitters as "spiritual" or "Zen".
3. Knitting connects people. Joining a knitting group, a solitary activity turns into a social. In one study, titled "the Benefits of Knitting for personal and social well-being in adulthood" published in the British journal of Occupational therapy, found that "knitting in a group significantly influenced the awareness of happiness, improved social contact and communication with other people. "
4. Knitting improves concentration and can provide an outlet for excess energy. Toronto teacher Caleigh Murtaugh created a knitting club for 7 — and 8-year-old boys. It was a smashing success, and now the boys prefer to stay in between to work on projects. Some of them were hyperactive, but work with their hands helped them to become calmer and gave them a sense of accomplishment.
5. Knitting can reduce the risk of dementia. One study, which was attended by over 2,000 seniors (65 years and older), found that "regular participation in social or other leisure activities such as traveling, odd jobs, knitting, or gardening were associated with a lower risk of subsequent dementia".
6. Knitting offers a break from busy schedule and refresh from detox in a technologically saturated world. This gives many of us a rare chance to be alone with our thoughts.
7. Knitting makes people happy. It brings joy to those who knit and those who receive the finished product, and those who see knitting in their surroundings. Consider the popularity of "carbombing" knitted graffiti that uses yarn to decorate public spaces, filling them with happiness, gives warmth and color. No one can resist smiling at the sight of a knitted bus or tree!
Therapeutic knitting is formally recognized by leading clinicians and scientists. British group Stitchlinks is developing a network of knitting therapy groups in hospitals, schools, workplaces, and care facilities.
Source: rodovid.me