How knitting can improve your life
Nowadays, the interest of even older people in knitting is much lower than it was a couple of decades ago. And although knitting devices are more available today than ever, ready-made knitted things are easier to buy. And therefore, many do not see the point of spending a lot of time on fuss with hooks, spokes, threads ... That's too bad!
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what it is. knitting And how this seemingly monotonous activity can change your life for the better. After all, even for young people, knitting is much more useful than cleaning pants in front of a computer.
First of all, it should be remembered that with the help of the fingers, a person is able to carry out subtle and precise actions that are impossible for other earthly beings. And making these movements is impossible without using large areas of the brain.
As a result, the more a person uses fine motor skills, the stronger the brain trains, which helps him think more clearly. In addition, calculating patterns and movements, we work on developing our own creativity.
When knitting, a person calms down, his pressure decreases, the pulse slows down. At such moments, the pressure on the cardiovascular system decreases, it wears out less. We can say that, working with a hook, a person really rests.
Scientists also found that about 20 minutes after the start of knitting in the blood of a person increases the level of endorphin – the hormone of happiness. Bad thoughts will not linger in his head for long.
In the process of knitting, the eyes also perform useful actions. Constant movement from side to side allows the eyes to remain moist, which preserves vision and reduces the risk of diseases such as cataracts or macular degeneration (especially dangerous in old age).
American specialist Herbert Benson compares women’s needlework like embroidery and knitting with real meditation. However, this effect is achieved when a person has already learned to use tools freely.
Knitting process It is so useful that even older men begin to master this art. And this is absolutely justified, because the stresses in life of the stronger sex definitely enough. Therefore, it is much more useful and pleasant to spend an evening with your wife knitting interesting things than watching depressive news on TV. Isn't that right?
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what it is. knitting And how this seemingly monotonous activity can change your life for the better. After all, even for young people, knitting is much more useful than cleaning pants in front of a computer.

First of all, it should be remembered that with the help of the fingers, a person is able to carry out subtle and precise actions that are impossible for other earthly beings. And making these movements is impossible without using large areas of the brain.

As a result, the more a person uses fine motor skills, the stronger the brain trains, which helps him think more clearly. In addition, calculating patterns and movements, we work on developing our own creativity.
When knitting, a person calms down, his pressure decreases, the pulse slows down. At such moments, the pressure on the cardiovascular system decreases, it wears out less. We can say that, working with a hook, a person really rests.

Scientists also found that about 20 minutes after the start of knitting in the blood of a person increases the level of endorphin – the hormone of happiness. Bad thoughts will not linger in his head for long.

In the process of knitting, the eyes also perform useful actions. Constant movement from side to side allows the eyes to remain moist, which preserves vision and reduces the risk of diseases such as cataracts or macular degeneration (especially dangerous in old age).

American specialist Herbert Benson compares women’s needlework like embroidery and knitting with real meditation. However, this effect is achieved when a person has already learned to use tools freely.

Knitting process It is so useful that even older men begin to master this art. And this is absolutely justified, because the stresses in life of the stronger sex definitely enough. Therefore, it is much more useful and pleasant to spend an evening with your wife knitting interesting things than watching depressive news on TV. Isn't that right?