Anatomy of the stick (10 photos)
Seated, prepare a notebook, the topic of today's lesson - the anatomy of the stick.
Baton ordinary batonus ordinarius belongs to a class of bread, the detachment
Belohlebnyh, family Batonovyh.
A general view of an ordinary loaf (production Moscow) is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 - Photo loaf
In isolated loaf loaf body batonus body and two end epiphyseal head batonus kaput, front and back surfaces fatsies frontalis floor dorsalis, and the lateral edge of the Margo lateralis.
Figure 2 - The front surface fatsies frontalis
Figure 3 - The front surface fatsies frontalis (drug under magnification)
Figure 4 - The dorsal surface fatsies dorsalis
Figure 5 - The front surface fatsies dorsalis (drug under magnification)
Figure 6 - Lateral edge Margo lateralis
Figure 7 - The lateral edge of the Margo lateralis (drug under magnification)
Figure 8 - The surface of the scalp stick fatsies kapitis batonus
It's worth noting that this article examines the anatomy of the stick rather superficially, in order to obtain the necessary knowledge for the crime to the major issues - patoanatomii loaf, topographic anatomy and the anatomy of the central nervous system.
PS. Increasingly, there are cases of dishonorable relations with the offering, such as breaking (pictured) and exposure swelling (this picture is very scary and not accompanied by a photo) as a result of exposure to water.
Figure 9 - Horizontal section of the body stick body batonus
PPP. Exam on anatomy loaf is planned for the third semester. Advances in the study of anatomy loaf!
Figure 10 - a sad picture breaking stick
Via docsknow.blogspot.com/2009/12/anatomiya-batona.html
Baton ordinary batonus ordinarius belongs to a class of bread, the detachment
Belohlebnyh, family Batonovyh.
A general view of an ordinary loaf (production Moscow) is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 - Photo loaf

In isolated loaf loaf body batonus body and two end epiphyseal head batonus kaput, front and back surfaces fatsies frontalis floor dorsalis, and the lateral edge of the Margo lateralis.
Figure 2 - The front surface fatsies frontalis

Figure 3 - The front surface fatsies frontalis (drug under magnification)

Figure 4 - The dorsal surface fatsies dorsalis

Figure 5 - The front surface fatsies dorsalis (drug under magnification)

Figure 6 - Lateral edge Margo lateralis

Figure 7 - The lateral edge of the Margo lateralis (drug under magnification)

Figure 8 - The surface of the scalp stick fatsies kapitis batonus

It's worth noting that this article examines the anatomy of the stick rather superficially, in order to obtain the necessary knowledge for the crime to the major issues - patoanatomii loaf, topographic anatomy and the anatomy of the central nervous system.
PS. Increasingly, there are cases of dishonorable relations with the offering, such as breaking (pictured) and exposure swelling (this picture is very scary and not accompanied by a photo) as a result of exposure to water.
Figure 9 - Horizontal section of the body stick body batonus

PPP. Exam on anatomy loaf is planned for the third semester. Advances in the study of anatomy loaf!
Figure 10 - a sad picture breaking stick
Via docsknow.blogspot.com/2009/12/anatomiya-batona.html
