What memories are instantly returned to childhood
Do you remember the taste of a sliced loaf? Few of the children, on the way home from the store, could carry this whole bakery product. It was necessary to eat the hump - the most tasty part.
And already at home it was necessary to run, until no adult can see, get a jar of jam and grease, carelessly cut off a piece of air bread flesh with a milky taste ...
At a time when there was not a drop of jam in the house, you could trick and dip a slice of a loaf into the water, and then sprinkle it with sugar and eat it quietly. How expensive are such memories...
Unfortunately, today's children can not taste the sliced loaf, the taste of which is familiar to many adults. And all because of the change in recipes and cooking technology.
In Soviet times, all bread was produced according to GOSTs. There were even special collections in which it was gradually painted how to prepare a sliced loaf. Manufacturers have not had the slightest opportunity to deviate from the standard.
The main technological moment is the preparation of bread on a steam. At first, most of the flour (somewhere 60% of the desired amount), yeast and water were prepared as a steam. Then followed a long process of fermentation (about 4 hours).
When the opara was ready, the rest of the flour, margarine and sugar were added to it. Then followed another stage of fermentation (about 1.5 hours). It is hard to imagine, but in total, it took about 7 hours to cook one sliced loaf!
Today’s producers do not want to spend so much time preparing bread. And most technological lines do not provide an opportunity to put pars. Often, the loaf is made using accelerated technology, reducing the cooking time to 3 hours.
Also, the quality of bread was affected by the fact that many current manufacturers stopped using margarine. As a result, the sliced loaf lost its pronounced milky taste. In addition, it is very important in which oven the bread was cooked, before it was baked in gas ovens, getting the thinnest crust and finely porous structure of the pulp.
Today, most ovens for making bread are electric, because of this, the quality of bread suffers, since the crust turns out to be strongly dried.
Also, no one had ever packed bread before, because everyone knew that it could not last more than 24 hours. Today, packaged bread is on store shelves for up to 120 hours!
So it turns out that the current bread is very different from what it was 30-40 years ago. Do you remember his taste? Be sure to share your impressions on this in the comments!
And already at home it was necessary to run, until no adult can see, get a jar of jam and grease, carelessly cut off a piece of air bread flesh with a milky taste ...

At a time when there was not a drop of jam in the house, you could trick and dip a slice of a loaf into the water, and then sprinkle it with sugar and eat it quietly. How expensive are such memories...

Unfortunately, today's children can not taste the sliced loaf, the taste of which is familiar to many adults. And all because of the change in recipes and cooking technology.

In Soviet times, all bread was produced according to GOSTs. There were even special collections in which it was gradually painted how to prepare a sliced loaf. Manufacturers have not had the slightest opportunity to deviate from the standard.

The main technological moment is the preparation of bread on a steam. At first, most of the flour (somewhere 60% of the desired amount), yeast and water were prepared as a steam. Then followed a long process of fermentation (about 4 hours).

When the opara was ready, the rest of the flour, margarine and sugar were added to it. Then followed another stage of fermentation (about 1.5 hours). It is hard to imagine, but in total, it took about 7 hours to cook one sliced loaf!

Today’s producers do not want to spend so much time preparing bread. And most technological lines do not provide an opportunity to put pars. Often, the loaf is made using accelerated technology, reducing the cooking time to 3 hours.

Also, the quality of bread was affected by the fact that many current manufacturers stopped using margarine. As a result, the sliced loaf lost its pronounced milky taste. In addition, it is very important in which oven the bread was cooked, before it was baked in gas ovens, getting the thinnest crust and finely porous structure of the pulp.

Today, most ovens for making bread are electric, because of this, the quality of bread suffers, since the crust turns out to be strongly dried.

Also, no one had ever packed bread before, because everyone knew that it could not last more than 24 hours. Today, packaged bread is on store shelves for up to 120 hours!

So it turns out that the current bread is very different from what it was 30-40 years ago. Do you remember his taste? Be sure to share your impressions on this in the comments!